Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

Taylor's doctor warned that she could lose the baby if she didn't control her stress. Taylor wanted to go home to Ridge, but bad weather stranded her and Thorne at the cabin. Grant gave Forrester's designs to Spectra. While babysitting, Amber called Sheila for advice on quieting the child. Sheila arrived and breast-fed Mary.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

Monday, August 25, 1997

by Soap Central

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Eric and Ridge are frantic trying to find the designs for the Forresterfashion show. Where could the be, they both wonder. While looking for thedesigns, Eric informs Ridge that Thorne left town with Taylor. If Taylorwent out of town with Thorne, it must have been for a good reason, Ridgesays. Stephanie comes in and announces she knows where the designs for thefall collection are: Grant stole them!

Sally and Macy are fighting off reports eager for the scoop about Clarke'sleaving. Under no circumstances is the press to know anything about Clarkeleaving, a furious Sally informs Macy, Lauren, and Darla. Also, nobody isallowed in the building until they get the reporters under control, Sal says.Macy and Lauren both question what Spectra is going to do with a showing incouple weeks with no head designer. Macy suggests asking Clarke to come backbut Sally won't hear of it. Darla tells Sally a reporter is on his way tosee her. When Sally opens to door for this reporter, it is none other thanGrant Chambers.

Sheila and Amber arrive at Sheila's house in LA. Amber is excited aboutbeing back, but all Sheila can think about is the times she and James spentin the house. Amber suggests the only reason Sheila moved back to LA is tobe near James and the baby. She moved back because is is home, Sheilacounters. She's not always thinking about James, Sheila says. Amber wonderswhat Sheila is going to do now that she is back in LA. I'm still aregistered nurse, Sheila says. While Amber is getting ready to go babysitfor James and Maggie, Sheila tries to stop thinking about James. How can Iever repay you for letting me live in this house, Amber asks. By taking careof my baby, Sheila says.

Sally questions what Grant is doing in her office. She is busy and doesn'thave time for any games, she says. Grant informs her that he and Brooke areno longer married and that he left Forrester. Grant says he knows she has ashowing in a couple weeks and doesn't have a collection. He suggests sincehe knows Spectra needs a head designer, he would love to work at Spectra ifhe and Sally can come to terms. Grant shows Sally the designs he did whileat Forrester. A whole collection just waiting to be shown, Grant says. Heinforms Sally the collection was going to be the Forrester showing, but whenhe left Forrester, he took his designs with him.

Stephanie says they should call the police and let them know Grant stoletheir designs. Eric doesn't think to police will be able to do anythingsince Grant designed the collection while he was an employee at Forrester.

Grant offers Sally the entire Forrester collection in exchange for him beingnamed head designer at Spectra. This would be a great way to repay the smugForresters for all the times they have betrayed us, Grant says. Forresterwould be up a creek without a showing.

Eric says they have only two choices: get the designs back or not have ashowing this season. Not having a showing would all but ruin Forrester,Ridge says. The company might never recover. Grant phones Eric, Ridge, andStephanie from Sally's and pretends not to know what happen to the designs.Stephanie says he won't think this is so funny when he's standing in frontof a judge. Grant says he couldn't have stolen the designs because he wasthe one who designed the collection while he worked for Forrester.

After hanging up on the Forrester, Grant and Sally reach a deal: he is thenew head designer at Spectra with a great collection to show for it. Thiscollection could put Spectra up there with the great fashion houses, Sallymuses. With Forrester not having a collection, that could bury them once andfor all.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, August 26, 1997

by Soap Central

Sheila wonders how Amber's first night of babysitting Margaret is going togo. Sheila says to herself she gave up her baby because James thought he andMaggie could raise the baby better than she could. It was her love for Jamesthat lead her to give up her baby. After everything that's happen, Sheilasays she still loves James. Sheila remembers how hard it was to sign overthe adoption papers.

James is also thinking what a sacrifice it was for Sheila to give the baby upfor adoption. He says to himself he will always be grateful to Sheilabecause of it. Maggie is dressed and ready for she and James' first nightout since the baby was born. Maggie is somewhat hesitate in leaving the babywith a babysitter, but James says they need some much needed time alone.

Sally shows Grant his new office. Both agree it will be great when Clarkeand the Forresters realize Grant is the new head designer of Spectra. Sallymarvels at the fact that the most important showing of the season is almosthere and the Forresters haven't got a collection to show for it because Grantbrought the designs to Spectra.

Sheila dreams of a life with her and James and the baby as a happy family.She remembers it is only and dream and must accept the fact the James andher baby are no longer a part of her life.

Amber arrives and lies about her credentials as a babysitter to James.Maggie is still leery about leaving Margaret with Amber but James againreassures her. James and Maggie leave for their night out leaving Amber allalone with the baby...

Grant, Sally, and Macy are anxious to bury the Forresters once and for all.Grant asks to speak to Macy alone. Grant again goes on about how he hasbeen burned by the Forresters and is going to repay them. Macy says shetries not to dwell on the fact that her marriage to Thorne did not work out.Grant says he uses the fact that he was burned by the Forresters asmotivation. Let's focus on making Spectra great, Macy suggests. Grantagrees and says he thinks he and Macy will work well together.

James and Maggie are at dinner and Magie can not get her mind off Margaret.Maggie says the six month waiting period in which Sheila can change her mindis almost up. Once the waiting period is over and Sheila has not changed hermind, she will feel better, Maggie says.

Amber is excited about finally living in LA and having a great job. Shemarvels at James and Maggie's house. Amber turns the stereo on loud andstarts dancing. The baby starts crying and Amber tries to calm her down bygiving her a bottle. That doesn't work and the baby throws up on Amber.Frantic, Amber calls Sheila and explains the baby won't stop choking orthrowing up. Amber asks Sheila to come over and help take care of thebaby...

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, August 27, 1997

by Soap Central

Maggie is trying to enjoy the evening out with James but can't stop worryingabout baby Margaret. The baby has never been alone with anyone except us,Maggie frets. James reassures her that Margaret is in good hands with Amber.

While Margaret can't stop crying, Amber is frantic about what to do. Sheilaarrives to help. "I can't get the baby to stop crying," Amber says. Sheilatakes the baby and tries to calm her down. Amber implores her to hurrybefore James and Maggie return. The baby still won't stop crying so Sheiladecides to so the one thing that will help Margaret: breastfeed her!

Brooke can't believe Grant would steal the Forrester designs. Ridge says hehas looked everywhere and is sure Grant took the designs. Brooke suggetscalling the police, but Ridge says even is they press charges, Grant helpeddesigned most of the collection while working at Forrester, so any theftcharges would not apply. Forrester will not make the next showing if thesketches are not found. Ridge also says he still has not heard from Taylor,and can't understand why she would leave without letting Ridge know where shewas going.

Doctor Santana makes a house call to Taylor at Big Bear. She tells Thorne ifTaylor does not get her stress level under control, there is a very realchance she will lose the baby. The doc deduces the source of stress inTaylor's life is due to some other woman. Thorne says Ridge has a longhistory with this other woman and will never let her go. Santana urgesThorne to be there for Taylor as a friend and keep her away from any stress.

Ridge can't track down Thorne and can't figure out why Taylor let Thorne takeher away. Something else is going on here, Ridge says. What is going on isTaylor has realized that she and Ridge are finally free to be together andis not going to stand in the way of their reuniting, Brooke says. "Don't makeher out to be a saint," Brooke says. Taylor agreed to go away with Thorne byher own choice.

Over dessert, James is now the one who is anxious to leave. They pay for thedinner and leave. After breastfeeding Margaret, the baby falls asleep.Amber says Sheila better leave before James and Maggie get back. Sheila hasto hide when she and Amber her James and Maggie have returned. When Jamesand Maggie aren't looking, Sheila manages to slip out the front door.Margaret says she can see the baby was in good hands while they were out.

Thorne calls Brooke and says he and Taylor will be coming home later tonightor tomorrow morning. Brooke urges Thorne to keep Taylor away as long aspossible. With Taylor away, this is give her time to be with Ridge, Brookeplots. She needs to make a move now before Taylor gets back.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, August 28, 1997

by Soap Central

At la Casa Forrester Stephanie and Eric are discussingbusiness. She brings up the idea of making all new designsin time for the showing. Eric replies that his number onepriority the next few days is making their wedding day themostspecial day of their lives. He tells his fiancée that he isvery excitedand wants to be involved in the planning of the flowersalso. " How did I ever let you get away the first time,"questions Stephanie.

Ding Dong goes the doorbell and (surprise, surprise) it isLauren dragging hertail between her legs. Eric leaves the women alone to fightit outbut Lauren has come to apologize for pursuing Eric. She issorry for all that she did because it was sodisrespectful to everyone involved. She knowsthat she went too far.

The queen is civil to her ex-friend and says," I was neverworried about you.Coming here and apologizing was difficult for you. Iappreciate it and acceptyour apology. But if you are hoping for more than that. .." Lauren knows that they can never be friends again andleaves.

Meanwhile over at Spectra, Macy is modeling the first babyblue eveninggown out of the sewing room. "This is going to be such awonderfulcollection, states Sally. "There is Mr. Grant Chambers---agift from the Gods---and this collection is not stolen. Itwas designed by Grant Chambers."

Sally has arranged for a TV to be brought to her office witha VCR.She explains to Macy that she is going to watch some pastshowsand tells her not to watch, that she is too busy for suchthings.Macy gets called away to the sewing room and Sally beckonsDarla to stay with her. She tells her friend, "I didn't wantmy daughterto be distracted by this. This is a present that Lauren hadmade forEric Forrester. What if I were to tell you that Eric notonly lusted forLauren in his heart, but in HER bed?!?! I happen to havepossession ofthat particular tape right here." Darla goes to get somepopcornto munch during their little amateur porn festival.

Back in Brooke's office her sister Katie is lending an ear toher big sister."Brooke to be perfectly fair, Ridge was in jail a lot ofthat time that he was with Taylor. So you told Taylor thatyou wanted Ridge back, how did she react?" Brooke confidesthat she told Taylor over and over again about how all ofthose times in the past Ridge always chose her over Taylor.She also tells her that Taylor was very quiet during theirconversation and she looked kinda sick.

Katie has sympathy for Taylor and remarks that she must havebeenso hurt. Brooke tells her that Taylor and Thorne went awaytogether again."That is so weird. you just told me that Taylor said she isgoing to marryRidge. I guess you must have made your point. It certainlywould make yourlife easier if Taylor were out of the running wouldn't it?You know this isall so strange. I am really sorry, Brooke, that I pushedyou to work it outwith Grant. I just thought you guys had something special."remarksKatie.

Brooke replies that she tried to work things out with Grantbuteven though he meant a lot to her, he is just a friend. Shedoesn't feelfor him like she should feel for a husband. He just wasn'tRidge.Brooke feels that she was living a lie and pretending .Katie continues with the questions. "So, you went to talkto Ridge.Did you tell him how you feel? So what happens now?"

Lauren gets stopped by Eric outside the house on her way tothe car."It was very big of you to come here like this. I feel badlyabout coming between the two of you," states Eric, afterhearing of Lauren's apology for not respectinghis decision

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 25, 1997 on B&B

Friday, August 29, 1997

by Gladys

Brooke unpacks her "Ridge/Brooke" memorabilia. This is theway it should be, she thinks, the way it will be very soon.Tonight I am going to take action, she declares. She goesto the phone and calls Ridge. She tells him that she hasfound some of Grant's sketches---preliminary drawings andsome notes. Brooke can't leave the house---Bridget will bethere soon---so Ridge agrees to come pick up the sketches.Hanging up the phone, Brooke smiles her "cat at the canary"smile, while back at the office, Ridge pines over Taylor.

Up at the cabin, the rain is pouring down. Thorne entersthe cabin, soaking wet, and begins to lay a fire. Taylor isupset; she needs to get to LA and talk with Ridge. Thelines are down and we can't leave, Thorne tells her. Hetells her to relax but she can't relax when they both knowwhat Brooke is probably up to right now.

Sally is drooling over the designs Grant has given her.Like a knight is shining armor, she thinks. He has riddento the rescue; Grant Chambers, you gorgeous man. Shewonders how she can thank Queen Stephanie; after all it washer treatment (and her family) who drove him out ofForrester in the first place. What a glorious day whenthese designs are featured on the Spectra runway. I knowexactly what she will say. At that moment, she hears hername called. Is it Stephanie or a figment of herimagination?

Brooke opens the door for Ridge and explains that Bridgetdecided to stay over with her little friend. Rick is withhis father; they have been spending a lot of time togetherlately. She offers a glass of wine. Ridge bemoans the lackof normalcy at Forrester. He picks up the sketches andbegins to look them over.

Back at Spectra, Sally greets the "queen." Stephanie islooking for Lauren and asks if she can leave it. Sally saysit depends on how loudly it is ticking. Since you will openit and read it, I'll tell you what it is. It is a weddinginvitation. Typical, Sally remarks. You had to come anddeliver the final blow in person. Sally accuses Stephanieof rubbing Lauren's face in the fact that she lost.Stephanie says that it is Sally's fault that Macy is such animmoral person. It is also her fault that she almost wentinto bankruptcy. Sally almost lets it slip that she knowthat Forrester has lost it's head designer.

Taylor wants to get home, even in a storm, but Thorne saysit's too dangerous. Some of the roads are closed. Taylorrants about Brooke filling Ridge's head with lies. Is thishow it is going to be? Thorne asks. Every time Ridge islate at the office or on a business trip are you going toworry about whether he is with Brooke or not. Taylor tellsThorne that she has told him her decision and he must learnto accept it or BUTT OUT!

Brooke says she is sorry she kicked Grant out before theshowing. She should have stayed with him for the business.Ridge tells her you don't stay with someone you don't lovebecause of business. Ridge admits he is on edge but notbecause of the business. It is Taylor, isn't it? sighedBrooke.

I have a confession to make, Brooke says. She tells Ridgeabout Taylor coming to her house and the argument they gotinto. She admits to telling Taylor that Ridge really lovedher, Brooke. Ridge doesn't believe that is the reasonTaylor left town. Brooke says it is also because of Ridgethat she left town. Your past actions, she explains, onlyproves to Taylor that you still love me. Ridge how muchproof do you need?

Sally recovers from her faux pas and tells Stephanie that SHEjust told her about losing Grant. We suspected it, Sallysays, and now you have verified it for me. In anargument about Sally's morality, Stephanie also implies thatMacy is as bad as her mother. This only makes Sally seered. You are supposed to teach her values! How the hellcan you teach anyone values. Sally tries to get back atStephanie but she has lost ground. Stephanie accuses Sallyof being jealous of her. As she leaves, Sally promises thatStephanie will get hers someday. You will get exactly whatyou deserve and it won't be Eric. You will end up bitterand alone. Like you? Stephanie asks as she leaves. LaFemme Sally is furious.

Taylor apologizes to Thorne. I shouldn't have expected youto be supportive of this. Thorne tells Taylor he doessupport her and he will always be there for her. Taylortries to assure him that she is happy now and she knowsRidge won't do anything to lose her. He has been a foolbefore, Thorne says. They hug.

Ridge tells Brooke that he can't deal with this problemnow. Why not? Brooke asks, Taylor is dealing with it. Thatis why she ran off. Aren't you tired of fighting me and theinevitable? Don't you want me back? Aren't you tired ofholding back? Aren't you tired of feeling guilty every timeyou look at me and have those nasty thoughts? Ridge triesto get her to stop but Brooke tells him she has never beenmore serious. Ridge tells her this is not funny. Youaren't upset because Taylor is gone; you are upset becauseshe is with your brother. Every move you make shows thatyou are still in love with me. She tells him that he onlyloves the chase. He could spend the rest of his lifechasing, reassuring, convincing, or he can spend the rest ofhis life with her---one great adventure after another.Brooke begins to caress and undress Ridge. She kisses himand asks him to make love to her. He only stands therewhile she removes part of his clothing.

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Edited by SC Desk