Hattie visited Bonnie in her hospital room, and she was startled by Bonnie’s bruised face. “How long do you think you’ll be laid up here? I heard it could be months,” Hattie said. Bonnie mumbled through her closed jaw that it would be a long time. “Charlemagne is nothing without Kassandra. So, not to make it all about me, but what do you think is gonna happen?” Hattie asked. Bonnie explained that Kayla had been recast in the part.
“She’s got great hair, but she doesn’t have your spark, Bon Bon,” Hattie said. Bonnie grunted out a thanks. Hattie fished the latest script out of her purse, and she noted that there were a lot of Charlemagne and Kassandra scenes in the new script. “You want to run it with me?” Hattie asked.
As Steve and Kayla returned home, they lingered outside their front door to talk about how upset Stephanie had been about Jada’s situation. “And it’s hard on you to see Marcus’ daughter go through that,” Kayla added. With a shake of his head, Steve noted that the accusations did not make sense.
“The Jada I know would never be capable of doing any of those things she’s being accused of,” Steve said. Kayla agreed. Steve said he intended to dig deep into the matter, but he wanted to keep his investigation from the police. “I don’t want DiMera knowing that I’m on to him until I have something solid I can use against him,” Steve said.
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As Kayla went to open the door, she found a manila envelope leaning against the wall. Kayla groaned when she realized it was a script. Steve told Kayla that she was a good friend for having agreed to act on the show for Abe. Kayla flipped through the script, and she said she did not know how she could pretend to be in love with another man. “You’re the only man that I want,” Kayla told Steve. Kayla said she was relieved she did not need to kiss her love interest. Steve joked that he would have to put a hit out on the actor if he kissed Kayla.
“Well, this show, I just have scenes with Charlemagne,” Kayla said. Kayla wondered aloud if she should meet up with Hattie to run lines, but she noted that she did not have the energy to deal with Hattie that evening. Kayla asked Steve to run the lines with her. “Me? I’m no actor,” Steve said. “Neither am I,” Kayla countered. Steve reluctantly agreed to help.
In the Body & Soul offices, Kate and Abe discussed their concerns about Alex and Joy’s romantic relationship. “If things go wrong, we’re going to have a big problem because this is Alex we’re talking about,” Kate complained. As Kate noted that Alex had barely finished sleeping with Stephanie, she walked into the office. “Did I just hear my name?” Stephanie asked. Abe asked why Stephanie was not at Jada’s wedding.
“Guess you haven’t talked to Paulina,” Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that the wedding had ended prematurely after Rafe accused Jada of being a corrupt cop. “He left her at the altar, and Shawn dragged her down to the police station for questioning,” Stephanie said. Abe refused to believe that Jada was corrupt. “Jada is incapable of the things they are accusing her of. My dad is going to clear her name,” Stephanie said. “Is that why you came down here so late? To tell us?” Kate asked. With a shake of her head, Stephanie said she wanted to post a press release about the Kassandra recast and the identity of Lady Whistleblower.
“And I took care of the Emmy submissions,” Stephanie added. Kate thanked Stephanie for her efficiency. “But the Emmys won’t be for months,” Kate said. “Yes, but I won’t be around then,” Stephanie said. Stephanie quit the show. Abe was shocked. Stephanie informed Abe and Kate that she had reached out to her publicist friend Andrea about taking over the workload. Kate asked Stephanie why she had decided to quit.
“It has nothing to do with you or the job. I promise. I have loved every minute of working on this show,” Stephanie said. “Then what is the reason?” Abe asked. When Stephanie said Alex, Kate’s eyes went wide. “Not for him. I’m doing it for myself,” Stephanie clarified. Stephanie explained that she regretted that she had picked her job over Alex. With a smirk, Kate pointed out that Stephanie had regretted her decision after she had broken up with Philip.
“I had no business being with Philip when I wasn’t ready to move on. And honestly, I don’t think Alex was ready to move on so quickly either,” Stephanie said. “Have you talked to him about this?” Abe asked. Stephanie admitted that she had spoken to Alex but had not finished the conversation. Stephanie explained that whether or not Alex wanted to reconcile, she felt that quitting was the right choice for her.
“I wish that I could agree with you about that choice,” Kate said. Stephanie admitted that she knew that Alex was dating Joy. “So obviously, if we don’t wind up together, at least I know I tried,” Stephanie said. After Stephanie left, Kate complained that since Hattie had cursed the show, everything had gone downhill. Abe encouraged Kate to go home while he finished up the schedule.
In Alex’s bedroom, Alex and Joy had sex and then talked about work. Joy noted that she had enjoyed work for once because she had not had to feel guilty with Chanel on set. “There’s no way you could have known that you [and Johnny] would be working together,” Alex said. “I know,” Joy said. Joy admitted that she had known the night she had met Johnny that it had been a mistake to go home with him. “Should have listened to my gut,” Joy said.
Joy suggested she and Alex run lines for work. As Joy flipped through the new script, she gasped. “Regan, she gets in a car accident and goes into premature labor,” Joy said. Joy argued that it was too early in her character’s pregnancy for labor. Alex said he was excited that he got to deliver the baby. With dismay, Joy noted that her character was going to die in childbirth. Somewhere in Salem, the masked soap hater drew a red X across a photo of Joy Wesley.
“Let me see it. Maybe you come back from the dead later, you know?” Alex said. Joy handed Alex the script. The script noted that as Alex’s character Arrow stood on the side of the road with the baby, a car hit him. The baby survived, but Arrow died. Somewhere in Salem, the masked hater drew a red X on a photo of Alex.
“So I guess we’re fired?” Joy said. Alex argued that it did not make sense for the show to have killed them off without talking to them first. Alex flipped to the back of the script, and he chuckled. Alex confirmed that the episode was set to air on April 1st. “It’s an April Fool’s Day episode,” Alex said. Joy was concerned that there was no indication that the story was a prank. Alex wanted to call Abe, but Joy suggested that they wait until the next day.
“And honestly, I’m okay with whatever happens,” Joy added. Joy explained that the only positive thing about the job had been getting to meet Alex. Alex smiled and said, “Come on.” Joy asked Alex if he wanted to go out of town to New York with her for Valentine’s Day. “Meeting the parents. It’s a big step,” Alex said. Alex thought about his last conversation with Stephanie about a possible reconciliation. Alex shook off the memory, and he told Joy it was too fast in their relationship to meet her parents.
“We could just stay here. I mean, you want to celebrate Valentine's Day with me, right?” Joy asked. “Yeah, of course,” Alex said unconvincingly. Alex's phone beeped with a text from Stephanie that read, “Are you free to meet up? I need to talk to you.” Alex announced that he needed to head home. “What about tomorrow’s script?” Joy asked. Alex assured Joy that it was mostly action and did not need rehearsal.
“I got an early call time. I’m just so tired,” Alex added. “You know you can always just stay here,” Joy said. Alex thanked Joy, and he noted that if he stayed, they would not rest. “I will see you tomorrow,” Alex said. As Alex got dressed, Joy got a worried look on her face.
In the hospital, Hattie ran through her lines as Bonnie listened. Hattie gasped and said, “It says Kassandra shoots me, and I die!” Hattie complained that Leo had killed her off again. Somewhere in Salem, the masked hater placed a red X across a photo of Hattie.
In Bonnie’s hospital room, Hattie asked Bonnie if she had had anything to do with Charlemagne’s death. “Of course not,” Bonnie mumbled through her clenched jaw. Hattie called Leo. When the call went to voicemail, Hattie told Bonnie she would confront Leo in person.
In Steve and Kayla’s home, Kayla read the scene aloud where her character shot Charlemagne. Steve ad-libbed, and Kayla joked, “And they say Vaudeville is dead.” Kayla was surprised to see that Kassandra also died, and she blamed herself. “Maybe [Abe] decided that it was too much trouble to recast it, and he just decided to pull the plug on the whole thing,” Kayla said. Kayla worried aloud about Bonnie’s future.
Kayla called Abe, and she asked him about Kassandra’s death. “What?” Abe said. Kayla told Abe about the new script pages. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Abe admitted. When Kayla explained the deaths were in the script, Abe noted that Leo must have gone rogue. Abe promised to find out what was going on. “Explain this to me. So Charlemagne is really dead?” Steve said. “How can they kill her off? She just came back to life,” Kayla said. Somewhere, the masked hater marked a red X across a photo of Kayla.
Johnny was pacing the DiMera living room, talking to Seth on the phone. “I agree. It’s not the same without Faith. I miss her too,” Johnny said. Chanel walked into the room with an envelope, and Johnny ended his call. “This was at your front door,” Chanel said. Johnny took the envelope and set it aside.
“I wanted to talk to you about us,” Chanel said. Johnny admitted he had been worried that Chanel had had second thoughts about talking about their marriage. Chanel explained that she had needed a little extra time to gather her thoughts. “If we’re going to make our marriage work, then we have to get to work right away,” Chanel said. Johnny agreed.
Chanel made Johnny promise to talk to her directly if he ever had a reason to doubt her in the future. Johnny vowed not to repeat his past mistakes. “I just don’t understand how you would ever think that I would cheat on you. I really thought that we were in a good place. I thought that we were solid, and obviously you didn’t,” Chanel said.
“That is 100% on me, okay? I own that. All I can say now is that I promise I will never doubt you again. I promise that I will be a better communicator. I love you, Chanel. And I cannot live without you,” Johnny said. Chanel confessed that she could not imagine a life with any other man. Chanel added that she had a new perspective on the situation after they had both almost slept with other people.
“At the end of the day, neither one of us actually broke our wedding vows. And I think there’s a reason for that,” Chanel said. “Speaking for myself, that night, when I took off my wedding right with Joy, I honestly felt naked without it. And I never ever want to take it off again,” Johnny said. Johnny asked Chanel to move back home to the DiMera mansion. Chanel agreed. Johnny’s face lit up, and he asked Chanel if she wanted to go home and pack.
“That won’t be necessary,” Chanel said. “So you do need a little more time?” Johnny asked as his smile faltered. Chanel smiled, and she explained her bags were in her car outside. Elated, Johnny announced he was going to grab all of Chanel’s bags for her. “We don’t have to sleep in our bed tonight. Whatever you’re comfortable with is what I want,” Johnny said. “Let’s just take it one day at a time,” Chanel said. Johnny told Chanel he had missed her, and they kissed.
After Johnny emptied the car, he rejoined Chanel in the living room. Johnny asked Chanel if she minded if he reviewed the new script from Leo. “Go for it,” Chanel said. Johnny read through the script, and he groaned. “Leo killed off Dr. Lamoray,” Johnny said. Chanel was surprised. Johnny told Chanel he had talked to Seth earlier about the good work he had been doing on the show. “He’s going to be devastated,” Johnny said. Somewhere in town, the masked hater drew a red X across Seth’s photo.
When Alex arrived at Stephanie’s apartment, Stephanie told him that she had quit her PR job at Body & Soul. “You did? I mean, I know you said you would,” Alex said. “I had to go for it, even if we didn’t finish our conversation from the other day,” Stephanie said. Alex was stunned. Stephanie told Alex that she did not want to pressure him, but she knew that she needed to quit before they could explore any chance at a relationship.
“I had to follow my heart,” Stephanie said. “I don’t know what to say,” Alex stammered. Stephanie told Alex that she did not need him to make any decisions immediately because she knew Alex was dating Joy. Alex admitted that he believed he was in a casual relationship with Joy, but Joy appeared to want more.
“Suddenly, she is talking about taking this Valentine’s Day trip,” Alex said. Stephanie encouraged Alex to take the trip if he wanted to go. “I don’t want to do that at all,” Alex countered. Alex told Stephanie that he knew what he needed to do. “I have to let her down gently. Because I just want to be with you, Steph,” Alex said.
Leo returned home to his hotel room, and Hattie burst in before the door could close. “I just got my latest script, and it says that Kassandra kills me dead,” Hattie said. “What? No, she doesn’t,” Leo said. Hattie handed Leo the script, and he stressed that he had not written the material. “Where did this come from?” Leo asked. Hattie explained it had appeared on her doorstep in the normal fashion. “Well, it didn’t come from me,” Leo said. Confused, Hattie wondered who had written the script. Somewhere in Salem, the masked hater drew a red X across Leo’s face.
In Leo’s room, he said, “What if it’s the stalker?” Hattie gasped. Leo argued that it had to be the person who had targeted the cast and crew after Hattie had set a curse on the show. “I guess that’s possible. But attempted murder, that’s no small potatoes,” Hattie said. After a moment, Hattie wobbled, and she said that she felt unsteady. Leo noted that Hatie looked ill. Hattie passed out on Leo’s bed.
At Joy’s apartment, she was researching for Valentine’s Day with Alex on her computer tablet when her vision blurred. “I should get something to drink,” Joy said. As Joy started to stand up, she clutched her stomach, and she fell unconscious onto her bed.
In Stephanie’s apartment, Stephanie asked Alex, “So you want to be with me? You really mean that?” Alex nodded yes. “Of course I do,” Alex said. Alex leaned forward to kiss Stephanie, and his knees buckled. “What’s wrong?” Stephanie asked. Alex collapsed onto the couch and passed out. Somewhere in Salem, the masked hater placed a red X on Alex’s picture.
At the Johnson house, Kayla told Steve that Abe had promised that no one on the show had been killed off. As Kayla told Steve about Abe's theory that Leo had gone rogue, she swooned in her chair. “You okay?” Steve asked. “I feel kind of,” Kayla started before she passed out in Steve’s arms.
In the DiMera living room, Johnny complained to Chanel about the death of Seth’s character. “[Seth] is the one who gave us permission to shoot at the hospital. If he revokes that, we’re screwed,” Johnny said. Johnny started to stand up to reach for his phone, and then he fell back on the couch. Johnny blinked once, then passed out unconscious. “Johnny!” Chanel yelled.
At the Body & Soul offices, Abe paced the room. “Oh my god. I think I know who’s doing this,” Abe said. Somewhere in Salem the masked hater gazed at their wall full of headshots with red X’s on them. The stalker picked up an unmarked photo of Abe.
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