Days of our Lives recap for Tuesday, December 17, 2024: The Judge makes a shocking decision

Belle questions Sarah | Image Source: JPI Studios
Belle questions Sarah | Image Source: JPI Studios

In the courtroom, Belle cross examined Sarah, and she asked her about Xander’s threats against Brady. “Objection!” Justin yelled. “Shouldn’t your husband be in prison?” Belle finished. Justin threw up his hands in frustration. The judge asked the attorneys to approach the bench. Belle apologized. Justin argued that Belle had not introduced any evidence about an alleged threat.

“I concede to that point, but I have reason to believe that a serious crime was committed here, and that Dr. Kiriakis has firsthand knowledge of it,” Belle argued. “This is reckless and inflammatory,” Justin countered. When Belle pointed out that she should be given leeway because it was not a criminal trial, Justin noted that Belle did not have the latitude to accuse his client of any crime. The judge asked for a recess, and she went into her chambers.

Belle and Philip stepped aside. “When did you realize Sarah knew about Xander’s attempt on Brady’s life?” Philip asked. “I had a hunch,” Belle admitted. Philip asked if the proceedings would harm Sarah. Belle assured Philip that Sarah would be fine.

“I’m just trying to force Xander’s hand,” Belle said. Philip asked Belle if she believed that Xander would give up Titan in order to protect Sarah. Belle said that her theory hinged on whether the judge would allow her to question Sarah about the attempt on Brady’s life.

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Across the room, Justin asked Xander and Sarah, “Why am I only hearing about this now?” Xander told Justin that he had made amends with Brady and he had not expected a problem. “If Brady wanted to throw you under the bus, he would have shown up to testify,” Sarah noted. Xander agreed, noting that no one else could corroborate the story.

“Sarah, if the judge allows Belle to continue this line of questioning, you’re going to have to make a decision,” Justin said. Xander told Sarah not to lie under oath. Concerned, Sarah asked Justin if Xander would lose the case over her testimony.

“He finally has the acknowledgment denied to him all these years, and Philip just snatches it away?” Sarah said. Justin admitted that was possible. “Not to mention criminal charges to be brought against [Xander],” Justin added. As Xander sighed, the judge returned to the courtroom.

“I’ve decided to let Ms. Black continue her current line of questioning,” the judge ruled. Philip grinned. “However, this is not an open invitation to recklessly accuse the defendant of all manner of crimes. So tread carefully,” the judge warned Belle. The judge reminded Sarah she was under oath. “What did you know about Xander Kiriakis’ alleged plot to murder Brady Black?” Belle asked. “Respectfully, I decline to respond,” Sarah said. Belle asked the judge to force Sarah to answer.

“Your honor, Dr. Kiriakis is invoking her spousal privilege. She’s not required to testify against her husband,” Justin announced. The judge nodded in understanding, and she dismissed the witness. With both attorneys’ cases submitted, the judge announced a recess for her to reach her decision in the case.

In the corner, Philip lamented that their gambit had failed, but Belle disagreed. Belle escorted Philip out of the courtroom so that they could talk privately. Xander thanked Justin for his help. “Belle knew exactly how this was going to play out. And she still managed to accomplish her goal,” Justin said. “Which was to bring Xander’s plot to kill Brady in front of the judge,” Sarah said. Justin nodded yes.

“It’s all innuendo,” Xander said. “Which could still influence the judge. Belle cast serious doubt about your character,” Justin countered. Justin reminded Xander that the judge was ruling on who was the better person to run Titan. “Well then, we got lucky, I guess,” Xander said. Confused, Justin asked how. Xander reluctantly admitted he had attempted to shoot Philip.

“Philip gave me the gun. He asked me to do it,” Xander explained. Justin laughed and shook his head. Xander explained that he wanted to win the case for his family. “Okay, but can we just agree that whatever the judge decides today, that there will be no more attempts at bloodshed?” Justin asked. Sarah nodded yes, but Xander refused to agree.

In the square, Belle explained to Philip that because Sarah had refused to testify against Xander, it was as good as an admission that Xander had committed the crime. “I’m impressed,” Philip said. “Playing by the book wasn’t gonna get us a win,” Belle said. Philip thanked Belle for her help.

“Well, it’s like Shawn said. He and I have been watching Victor groom you to take over this business forever. I know it’s what he wanted. And that letter is proof of that,” Belle said. Philip thought about his conversation with Vivian about the forgery. “Yeah, the letter was pretty clear,” Philip said. With a sigh, Belle said she preferred to see Philip run the company over Xander. “My god, he has tried to kill literally every member of my family,” Belle said. The court texted Belle that the judge had made her decision.

In the courtroom, Xander asked Justin if the short decision time was good news. “It could indicate that the judge wasn’t persuaded by Philip’s claim,” Justin said. “The will speaks for itself. There is no way that Victor wanted to trust his legacy to that nut job,” Xander said. Sarah reminded Xander that Philip had a mental illness. “Are we sure he still doesn’t? He’d have to be out of his mind to think he has a legitimate case,” Xander muttered. Justin reminded Xander that the verdict could go either way.

In the square, Belle told Philip that he should be prepared for the possibility that he had lost his case. “It just doesn’t seem fair! I’m the only one of dad’s kids that grew up with him, learned at his knee. Titan was supposed to be mine. And then Xander’s illegitimate ass just swooped in and snatched it all away?” Philip complained. Belle reminded Philip that there was still a chance that they had won the case.

When all parties had returned to the courtroom and were seated, the judge entered. “Looking over Victor Kiriakis’ will, it’s plain to see he was very clear about his intentions. However, in this letter to his other son, Philip, Victor Kiriakis was also quite clear. If it weren’t for Philip’s mental state at the time Mr. Kiriakis drew up his will, he likely would have left Philip in charge. As Ms. Black persuasively argued, Philip Kiriakis should not be penalized for the challenges he faced. It is my finding, therefore, that his claim on Titan Industries is a valid one,” the judge said. “We won?” Philip asked. The judge noted that she was not done.

“Yes, you have a valid claim, but per the terms of the will, your brother Xander does as well,” the judge said. The judge ruled that she would give half of the company to each brother. “Effectively making them co-CEO’s of the firm,” the judge announced. As the judge exited the courtroom, Philip and Xander approached one another.

“Obviously, this isn’t what either of us wanted. But I do think dad will be pleased to see us working side by side again,” Philip said. Xander smirked. “You’re probably right. He always was a bit of a sadist, wasn’t he?” Xander said. Xander noted that their last time together had been awful. “And Dad always felt bad about that. He wanted us to get along,” Philip said. Philip noted that Victor had felt bad for Xander.

“You being his secret bastard son,” Philip said. “Philip!” Justin growled. Belle rolled her eyes. “Just stating a fact. And I truly hope that this time will be different. Unless Xander plans to quit again,” Philip said. Philip suggested that they put the past behind them and work together for the best interests of Titan. Philip held out his hand. Xander walked out with Sarah.

At the Body & Soul offices, Johnny complimented Alex on his work. Alex pointed out that the scenes were similar to the situation with Joy. “Not a whole lot of acting going on there, Johnny. Mainly just art imitating life,” Alex said. As Alex started to leave, Johnny stopped him.

“I owe you an apology,” Johnny said. “Nothing like the one you owe Chanel. But you’ll probably never give her that, right?” Alex countered. Johnny said he understood that Alex was frustrated and angry, and he apologized for having created a lie about an affair between Alex and Joy. “And obviously, you didn’t give a damn about how it affected me,” Alex said. As Alex repeated the lie, Stephanie overheard from the hallway.

Johnny apologized to Alex, and Stephanie entered the office. “I don’t know what you might have just heard–-,” Alex started. “What? That you’re sleeping with Joy?” Stephanie countered. Stephanie noted that Alex’s relationships were none of her business. “You don’t understand, though. It’s really not like that at all,” Alex said. Alex kept attempting to explain, but Stephanie kept cutting him off.

“Can we just drop it?” Stephanie said. Alex said no. “I care about us. As friends. A lot. And I want to be honest with you,” Alex said. Alex told Stephanie that he was not sleeping with Joy. A look of alarm crossed Johnny’s face. Confused, Stephanie asked about what she had overheard. Alex looked over at Johnny.

“Actually, what you heard was that I slept with Joy. Past tense. One time,” Alex said. Stephanie stressed that Alex did not need to explain, but Alex insisted that he was not having an ongoing fling with Joy. “Joy and I are not in a relationship. It’s nothing,” Alex said. “Gee, that sounds familiar,” Stephanie said. Johnny interjected to say that the affair had been a heat-of-the-moment fling that both Alex and Joy had regretted.

“Not to put words in your mouth,” Johnny said. “Yeah, that’s exactly what you did, Johnny,” Alex countered. Alex told Stephanie that he did not want to anger the producers. “Well, it’s a little different than what happened with us,” Stephanie said. “Still, I think it is just best for everyone if we move past it. That way, nobody else has to cover up a lie or anything else about what they know,” Alex said. Stephanie advised Alex to inform the producers.

“Does that mean you and I are good?” Alex asked. “You mean, does this affect our friendship? No. Why should it?” Stephanie asked. With a nod, Stephanie announced that she needed to run errands, and she rushed out. Johnny thanked Alex for having kept the secret. Alex admitted that he had almost told Stephanie the truth.

“Why’d you hold back?” Johnny asked. “I didn’t do it for you. I guess it is just better for Chanel and Joy if the truth doesn’t come out,” Alex said. With a groan, Alex lamented that Stephanie believed he had returned to his player ways. “You seem to care a lot about what she thinks,” Johnny said. Alex noted that he cared about his friends.

“I really am sorry,” Johnny repeated. “You’re sorry? Dude, you should be! It’s really, really annoying that your little reputation stays squeaky clean while you’re just cheating all over your wife. Meanwhile, everybody in this town thinks I can’t keep it in my pants!” Alex yelled. Johnny assured Alex that the tension would pass. “In the meantime, stay out of my way,” Alex muttered.

Outside the Brady Pub, Chanel ran into Joy as she was exiting the restaurant. “I found out about your secret hookup,” Chanel said. “How did you find out?” Joy asked. Chanel explained that Johnny and Alex had told her about Joy’s affair. Joy remembered her warning from Alex about the lie.

“You’re talking about me and Alex,” Joy said. “Who else would I be talking about?” Chanel said. Joy laughed nervously. Chanel asked Joy if Alex had taken advantage of her. “For the record, Alex didn’t do anything wrong,” Joy said. With a nod, a relieved Chanel explained that she had only wanted to make sure that Joy was okay. “I’m fine,” Joy stressed. Chanel told Joy that she was not the only one that had to work with a former love interest, and she filled Joy in on some of her past history with Alex.

“So if you ever want to talk about it, this girl is here for you,” Chanel said. “Actually, it would help to talk about, because I don’t know if I can keep all this to myself for much longer,” Joy admitted. Chanel encouraged Joy to open up. Joy stressed that her hookup with Alex had been a one-time event. “It’s not gonna happen again,” Joy said. Chanel asked why. “Because once I realized the full impact of what we had done, I regretted it immediately. Honestly, I almost quit my job over it,” Joy confessed. Chanel gasped.

“It’s like you said, working together, it can get complicated. Look at Alex and Stephanie. The producers made them stop seeing each other,” Joy said. Chanel noted that unlike that instance, Alex and Joy were equals at the workplace. “I think it’s better if all of that stays in the past, and we just leave it there, not mix the personal with the professional,” Joy said. Chanel said she understood.

“And that’s why I don’t think I should hang out with you and Johnny any more,” Joy added. Confused, Chanel asked why. “There’s nothing wrong with being friends with your co-workers,” Chanel said. Joy explained that it felt awkward for her co-stars and director to know the details of her love life. Chanel said she understood, but she hated to lose a friend.

“Are we? Really friends?” Joy asked. “Of course! Why would you even ask me that?” Chanel said. Joy explained that she felt like an obligation her mother had foisted on Chanel. “That is ridiculous. I have so much fun hanging out with you. And I haven’t had a friend like you in a long time,” Chanel said. Joy admitted that she felt the same way.

“Then stop all this foolishness about ending our friendship! If you want to cut things off with Alex, fine. But Johnny and I, we really want you in our lives,” Chanel said. Joy thanked Chanel. Chanel told Joy that no matter what Joy decided, she would be there to support her.

In the courtroom, Justin complimented Belle. “I really think that it just came down to the letter versus the will,” Belle said. “Then it’s a good thing for Philip that he found that letter,” Justin said. Belle noted that she was pleased that Philip had gotten half of his father’s company. “I truly believe [Philip] deserves that,” Belle said. Belle worried aloud that a partnership between Xander and Philip could turn violent.

In the town square, Joy ran into Stephanie. Joy asked Stephanie if she could help her pick a gift for Alex. “Look, Joy, I didn’t want to start this now, but we should probably talk because, well, I know that you and Alex slept together,” Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that as the publicist for the show, she needed to know about the relationship.

“But we’re not in a relationship,” Joy stressed. “Alex said the same thing, but I suspect he is trying to spare my feelings,” Stephanie said. Stephanie noted that her relationship with Alex had not been serious, and she told Joy that Joy was free to pursue a relationship with Alex. “Alex is a great guy. I just want him to be happy,” Stephanie said. Stephanie hurried off.

Chanel walked over to the Body & Soul office to talk to Johnny. Chanel told Johnny about her conversation with Joy, and she admitted that she was still concerned. “I think it’s really messing with her head. Did you know she was going to leave the show because of it?” Chanel asked. “No,” Johnny lied. Chanel told Johnny that she was sad that Joy no longer wanted to hang out with them.

“It makes sense though. I mean, she just wants to keep her personal life and her professional life separate for now,” Johnny said. Chanel said she had convinced Joy not to end their friendship. “That’s too bad,” Johnny said. When Chanel furrowed her brow, Johnny said he meant that it might have been good for Joy to have distance from everyone for a while. With a chuckle, Chanel called Johnny clueless. “That girl is clearly feeling some kind of way right now. And she needs our friendship more than ever,” Chanel said.

In the square, Joy ran into Alex. Alex told Joy that Stephanie knew about the fake affair. “I just bumped into her,” Joy admitted. Alex asked about the conversation. “She acted fine, like she didn’t care. But I can tell she was just hiding her feelings cause she’s hurt. I think she really cares,” Joy said.

At the Salem Inn, Stephanie met up with Philip in his room. “Got your message. So how did the trial go?” Stephanie asked. Philip explained that he won half the company. “I still consider it a victory,” Philip said. Philip kissed Stephanie.

In the Kiriakis living room, Xander paced. “I know that you are disappointed. But you still own half the company,” Sarah said. Sarah told Xander that he could work with Philip. “And who knows? Maybe it’s a way for you to get to know each other as brothers,” Sarah said. “Like Cain and Abel,” Xander joked. Sarah advised Victor to make the best of the situation.

After Sarah went upstairs, Xander looked at Victor’s portrait. “Sorry, old man, but playing nice with my loathsome snake of a brother, that’s not happening. So I am going to find a way to oust Philip from Titan if it’s the last thing I do,” Xander said.

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