Game of Thrones is known for how it managed to make one sit on the edge of their seat, especially when concerning the undetermined death of its characters. What made these moments powerful was not just that they came as a surprise but changed the story and made them change fate, too. From noble heroes to intriguing anti-heroes, there was no one guaranteed survival in Westeros. Here are 17 of the most shocking deaths that surprised fans and altered the course of events in the shows forever. Please note that this entire article is based on the writer's perspective and also contains spoilers, viewer's discretion is advised.
1. Ned Stark

Game of Thrones marked the moment it became a master of the brutal when Ned Stark, the honorable Warden of the North, was beheaded after attempting to unmask the truth regarding Joffrey's parentage. So, while denouncing treason to save his daughters, he was surprisingly beheaded by Joffrey on the grounds that he deserved mercy. It was heartbreaking to see Arya being compelled to observe her father's execution, which began her path to darkness. Many fans of the show never envisioned the central character facing such an untimely and brutal death, justifying the tagline that no one is safe in Westeros-not even the lead characters.
2. Khal Drogo

Khal Drogo's death was not only tragic but also shocking as he was one of the mighty Dothraki warriors. A minor wound had started his fall into death after improper treatment; then, the blood magic with which Daenerys tried to save him from death proved wrong, and she left him vegetative. He finally ended his misery when she used a pillow to smother him. Drogo's death was not only what shattered Daenerys but also marked the beginning of her transformation into a potent leader.
3. Renly Baratheon

Another shocking moment was created from Renly Baratheon's death from Melisandre's shadow killer. Preparing to challenge his older brother for the Iron Throne, Renly was getting set to advance on Stannis. Meanwhile, a creature born of dark magic by Melisandre, a dark assassin, killed him in his tent. This unexpected death sent his followers into shock and brought out the extreme measures that Stannis was willing to take to gain victory.
4. Talisa Stark

Talisa Stark's brutal murder at the Red Wedding is one of the most painful moments in the series. She was pregnant with Robb Stark's child, and she was stabbed in the abdomen by Walder Frey's men, a shocking betrayal. The sheer brutality of the act underscored the tragic downfall of the Stark family. Talisa's death added a personal layer to the massacre, killing off any hope for the continuation of Robb's line. The killing, together with the killing of Robb and Catelyn simultaneously, was devastating and really shocked audiences as a grim series set-up.
5. Robb Stark

One of the most stunning betrayals of Game of Thrones history was when Robb Stark was killed in the Red Wedding. Invited for a feast supposedly to reconcile with House Frey, Robb, and his bannermen were slaughtered in a vicious massacre. It was Walder Frey and Roose Bolton who did the stabbing as Robb saw his pregnant wife, Talisa, being butchered before he felt the fatal thrust to his heart. His last word, "Mother," while looking at Catelyn Stark, added to the tragedy.
6. Catelyn Stark

The death of Catelyn Stark at the Red Wedding was one of the most gut-wrenching moments of the series. As the mother of the Stark family, she fought to the death for her children, but against Walder Frey, nothing was working out. She begged at the end to save her son, offering herself as a hostage in exchange for his life. However, she was able to see her son killed before her throat was slit. Such an image of the lifeless body of Catelyn epitomizes the unflinching series of tragedy.
7. Joffrey Baratheon

The death of King Joffrey at his wedding feast was one of the rarest moments of justice in Game of Thrones. Notorious for his sadistic cruelty, Joffrey's sudden poisoning to death cheered viewers all over. As he choked and clawed at his throat, his mother, Cersei, and new bride, Margaery, looked on in horror. Dubbed the "Purple Wedding," it was a marvelous fusion of poetic irony with suspense. Little did everybody know that Olenna Tyrell and Littlefinger conspired to commit the murder, finishing the reign of terror by Joffrey in humiliation.
8. Ygritte

Ygritte's death in the Battle of Castle Black was both heartbreaking and unexpected. She was a fierce Wildling warrior and Jon Snow's lover, caught in the crossfire of the Night's Watch defense. She was struck by an arrow shot by Olly, the young boy whose family she had attacked. His deathbed words "You know nothing, Jon Snow" carried along with them a weight of this doomed love, and Ygritte's end was a searing loss among the many of Jon's sufferings in constant survival beyond The Wall.
9. Shae

Shae's death was shocking and also considered one of the most tragic deaths in season 4 of the series. Once Tyrion's loyal lover, she betrayed him in his trial when he was to be tried for the murder of Joffrey. She had the final betrayal when she was found by Tyrion in the bed of his father Tywin. Overcome with rage and heartbreak, Tyrion strangled her with the very necklace he had given her. A moment of devastating change in Tyrion's lifetime was killing someone whom he had previously been deeply in love with.
10. Tywin Lannister

Tywin Lannister, the calculating patriarch of House Lannister, died in the most ironically unexpected way. After being freed from imprisonment, Tyrion finally approached his father in the privy, where he found his father's infidelity with Shae. Consumed by rage, he shot Tywin with a crossbow and killed him- the man who had belittled his existence throughout his life. The death of Tywin was both a fall for one of Westeros' greatest powers and an ultimate rebellion on the part of Tyrion against his family. This was a mix of personal revenge and poetic justice, leaving both fans stunned but satisfied.
11. Oberyn Martell

Oberyn Martell's, the show's so-called "Red Viper", death was one of the most gruesome deaths in the series. While facing the Mountain at Oberyn's trial by combat to avenge his sister, Elia, the charismatic Prince of Dorne gained some initial upper hand advantage but allowed his hubris to lead him astray to his fatal mistake: he was overpowered, with the Mountain crushing his skull with the latter's bare hands in a horrific episode. Oberyn's death was not only a blow to his lover, Ellaria Sand but also crushed the hopes of Tyrion Lannister, whose fate was dependent on Oberyn's victory.
12. Shireen Baratheon

The death of Shireen Baratheon was one of the most awful and sad scenes in Game of Thrones. Influenced by the suggestion of Melisandre to burn his own daughter as a sacrifice if he wanted victory, Stannis Baratheon decided to follow the unbelievable command and burn the girl alive while she screamed horribly and begged for mercy. This was a horrific act that not only destroyed Stannis' moral credibility but also brought down the army's loyalty to him.
13. Hodor

Hodor's death was both sorrowful and spooky, revealing how the name 'Hodor' came to exist. When Bran warged into the past, he inadvertently made it so that 'Hold the door' was being repeated to little Wylis, breaking him and leaving only the ability to say 'Hodor.' The present-day event saw Hodor sacrifice himself for the greater good by holding the door against an army of wights, securing the escape for Bran and Meera. This was a tragic loss to the fans as they mourned the selfless bravery of the gentle giant.
14. Ramsay Bolton

The sadistic Ramsay Bolton died brutally during the Battle of the Bastards. Captured after his defeat at Winterfell, Ramsay was locked behind bars, where Sansa Stark reconstructed her power to feed him to the starving hounds. During this, Ramsay's cries echoed through the floor with the dogs tearing into their former master in a representation of the countless cruelties that he had committed. His death, while poetic justice, was an extremely triumphant moment for Sansa, who has been tormented to such a great extent.
15. Littlefinger (Petyr Baelish)

Littlefinger's death is a long overdue and shocking moment of comeuppance. A manipulative mastermind behind many conflicts in Westeros, he met his match with the Stark sisters. He first tried to turn Arya and Sansa against each other and then had the misfortune of being tried at Winterfell; his schemes eventually unraveled with Sansa unmasking him and Arya delivering the finishing blow with a slash to his throat. Littlefinger's death was the end of one of the show's most cunning villains, and it was a moment of vindication for the Starks, who had suffered so much at his hands.
16. Viserion

Viserion's death and resurrection was a bitter-sweet moment of Game of Thrones. When the Night King hit him with an ice spear during the expedition beyond the Wall, the dragon fell into the frozen lake. The grief that Daenerys felt over her child was heartbreaking, but the true shock was when the Night King brought Viserion back to life as a wight. He was the one who later burned the Wall down when his blue flames were used as a weapon for the White Walkers' invasion.
17. Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen's shocking death at Jon Snow's hand is a tragic, divisive, and painful way to end a character arc after her descent into tyranny and the destruction of King's Landing. Jon chose to kill Daenerys to stop Westeros from any further catastrophe, and her final embrace of him was juxtaposed with him stabbing her heart with a dagger. The grief showed by melting down the Iron Throne from Drogon was what further weighed upon this scene. With Daenerys' death, the last light to end the dream to "break the wheel" left everyone with a bitter taste.

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