Though not one of the primary characters of the series From, Donna Raines is one of the most crucial side characters of the show. Portrayed by actor Elizabeth Saunders, Donna is a gruff and resourceful character who is known for her intelligence and protective instinct towards the townspeople. Though she might have a rough exterior she is kind. In this list we are going to talk about the19 Times Donna from From was way kinder than she seems.
1) Taking in Tabitha and her family

When Tabitha and her family came to the town, Donna was initially spectacle about them. However, she opened up the colony house for the four of them and offered them shelter and protection. Donna’s character is complex and she has been roughened by the environment and her experiences. Despite her rough outlook, she offered hope to Tabitha who was distressed.
2) Counselling Kenny

Donna provided deep empathy and kindness towards Kenny who was going through a rough time. It shows how genuinely she was invested in the emotional well-being of the townspeople. Kenny losing his father had a deep impact on him and Donna’s approach towards Kenny offering him a safe space to express his emotions truly shows Donna’s kindness.
3)Protecting the colony house

Donna may be fierce in her nature but she is also extremely protective towards the people who stayed at the colony house. Her protection goes beyond shielding them from physical danger. She has a deep commitment to protecting the emotional well-being of the people, especially during the fights between Ellis and Dale in the first season. She is involved in organizing the defenses against the creatures and is also aware of the emotional toll it takes on the residents.
4) Boyd’s confidante

Donna has a unique bond with Boyd which demonstrates her kindness. As Boyd has to carry the immense weight of responsibility for the entire town and is often made to make difficult choices, Donna listens to him without any judgment. Donna offers him a safe space and offers different perspectives showing him the bigger picture and the consequences.
5) Sharing resources

Donna understands the community dynamics and her approach to resource management shows her resourcefulness and kindness. She prioritises the needs of the most vulnerable members of the community adding special attention and care to them. Donna ensures a fair distribution of the resources and sometimes even puts the needs of others over herself.
6) Mediating conflicts

Donna understands the difficulties that might arise in a community when they are trapped together. She tries to mediate conflicts and prevents arguments that arise among the people of the town. She looks beyond the surface level and seeks a common ground through which a situation can be resolved without conflict.
7) Donna’s sixth sense

Donna has a unique ability as she is often able to sense the danger and prevent people from taking the wrong steps with which they might end up dead or injured. During the attack at the colony house in the first season Donna’s idea to quickly evacuate the house to go to a safe place to prevent any more deaths from the creatures and also ensure everyone is safe shows her kindness.
8) Donna helps Jim with the tower

When Donna helps Jim build the tower which could bring a possibility of their escaping the town, she shows immense pragmatism. It shows her kindness even in dire situations. She helps out Jim knowing the chances of it working are slim to none. She also provides him with the materials that Jim needs for the tower.
9) Donna’s reaction to Fatima’s pregnancy

Donna’s reaction to Fatima’s pregnancy shows her deep kindness towards her and also showcases her underlying compassion. Despite her cold exterior which most of the time seems to make her seem like a negative person and overtly tough, her genuine happiness when she found out about Fatima’s pregnancy could not be overlooked.
10) When Boyd leaves

When Boyd and Kenny are discussing Boyd leaving to find answers in season 1 episode 8 Donna enters the scene. Donna asks for an explanation and when she comes to know that Boyd is leaving to find answers to the mysteries Donna tells him that he has done a lot for the townspeople and everyone is indebted to him. Despite her harsh exterior, Donna shows her kindness reminiscing to Byod about their friendship.
11) Making difficult decisions

Donna is portrayed as the leader of the colony house, as a result, she is often bound to make some difficult choices that might seem controversial but are her desperate measures to keep everyone safe. When the tires of the bus by which the new people came to the town, were shot by Donna so that they do not wander at night and fall victim to the creatures, despite how it looks she is compassionate about the newcomers and wants their safety.
12) Being compassionate towards Julie

When Julie wants to go out and save her father who is stuck in the rubble and unable to escape, Donna holds her back and prevents her from going out. Julie became extremely saddened thinking that her father might die because of the creatures as he was stuck at the sun had already set. Donna comforted her and offered her reassurance showing her kindness.
13) Trying to maintain order and structure

When Randal, a newcomer from the bus created havoc in the colony house while he was trying to open the door and was being stopped by Kenny, Donna quickly took charge of the situation and maintained order within the house. She makes the newcomers understand that they cannot leave the house at night as there is danger outside the house. This shows that even during a heated situation she looks out for the newcomers showcasing her kindness.
14) Her Vulnerability

When Donna talks about her story about how she ended up in the town and the extreme things that she had to encounter the viewers can understand why she is the way she is. Her tragic story about seeing the death of her sister in front of her eyes has made her a victim of circumstances. Donna showing her vulnerable side to Tabitha to ensure that she is safe shows her kindness.
15) Celebrating with the people

When the colony house was celebrating Fatima’s anniversary of arriving in the town, Donna’s speech about Fatima truly showed her kind and caring nature towards the people. She gifted Fatima a dreamcatcher and with a warm gesture told her that she hoped that the dreamcatcher would catch all the bad dreams and let only the sweet ones reach her only adding to her compassionate nature.
16) Ethan

While Donna and Ethan are storing the food to preserve, Ethan expresses his fear that this house might also collapse. Donna listens to his fears and without judgment helps him reframe his fear into something positive. Donna’s willingness to share her fear builds trust in Ethan. This resonates with Ethan and he hugs her. This shows her capability of giving solace to even children her gruff nature.
17) Supporting the grieving ones

Throughout the show we see Donna being a comforting character when people are losing hope or are suffering in some way or the other. Despite her harsh exterior, Donna becomes a character that the townspeople can look for support from her. Even when she is grieving the loss of what they made of the town despite the threats from the creatures.
18) Donna’s confrontation with Dale

When Donna confronts Dale after his incident with Ellis as he asks about what they are going to do to him, Donna remains quiet but her demeanor shows that he understands Dale’s situation. When Dale asks Donna about the lack of resources and suggests getting rid of the newcomers Donna shows compassion towards the newcomers. It shows Donna’s inherent kindness.
19) Donna’s care for Ellis

Even when the townspeople are going through a shortage of food, Donna takes care of Ellis after he is stabbed. When Ellis is concerned about the food shortage when Donna brings him food she quickly reassures him and tells him that he needs to get his strength up. It stems from her regret of not being able to protect Ellis from getting stabbed as she was not at the colony house when it happened. This shows her deep-rooted kindness and self-obligation to protect others.

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