Tony Stark's Iron Man was the beginning of something bigger in Marvel town. Nick Fury said in The Avengers that,
"The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more."
This was true, not just for the superhero crossover, but for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.
While it was true for every hero that has been a part of this cinematic timeline, it especially was for the man it all began with. Last time we saw, he got an affirmation from his love, Pepper Potts, that he can rest, and they'll be okay now. He has done what he has done - 'marvel'ously.
From being an arrogant 'genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' to transforming into one selfless savior of the universe, his journey is the epitome of character transformation.
Moments that proved 'Tony Stark has a heart.'
"If you are nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it"

It's all about the people he cared about, and when Tony Stark said this to Peter Parker, it wasn't because of the anger, but his way to beat it into his head that a suit doesn't define a hero. He needed Peter to believe in himself, and that is what he did.
Spider-Man isn't someone who is a web slinger swinging his way throughout the city. Stark had felt a similar attachment to his suit in his initial appearances, the anxiety and panic attacks, but then he overcame it, and so did Peter, as the story advanced.
"No amount of money ever bought a second of time"

He didn't waste any time recording this message for his daughter, Morgan Stark. When Tony Stark met Howard Stark while sneaking through the Camp Lehigh facility, looking for an early version of the Tesseract, he told Howard this gem of a quote, which he ironically heard from Howard only.
An unplanned encounter could lead to complications in the mission. However, it turned out to be among the best moments of his life. And, then he hugs his father from the past for the last time. Interestingly, we get to see a glimpse of the real Jarvis in the scene.
"Thanos has been inside my head for six years"

Strange and Tony's argument in the Q-Ship is the deciding factor of how the story advanced. On one hand, the Sorceror Supreme was trying to save the time stone, while Stark was trying to save the earth. He knew what would follow if they returned to earth.
That said, it wasn't just Tony's genius, but his care for the people of the earth that became the tipping point to give Thanos a surprise welcome on Titan. To Tony Stark's surprise, he wasn't the only one 'cursed with knowledge.'
"And I, am, Iron Man"

Infinity Saga concluded with the final snap, giving Thanos the taste of his own medicine. With that, Tony Stark didn't just save the universe; he defied what Steve Rogers has said to him during an argument in The Avengers,
"The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you."
He fought for everyone, and Steve knew this in that moment.
"He's all yours"

Ho Yinsen could have been one of Tony Stark's best allies had he survived the escape from the cave where they were kept captive. It was this escape that gave Tony the much-needed boost to create the suit of armor. But, the moment he truly became the Iron Man comes later in the 2008 film.
When he came to know about Yinsen's hometown, Gulmira, being attacked, that too with weapons manufactured under his company, he donned the new suit, killed the terrorists, and turned the last one of them over to villagers to deal with. This is when he rose beyond just a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist.
Also Read: One glaring Iron Man 3 mistake could've saved Tony in Avengers: Endgame

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