Lucas visited Ava at the gallery and told her how Avery was doing. She wondered if anyone had been arrested for setting the fire that put Michael in the hospital or if they knew what caused it. Lucas didn’t think they had but assured her that Avery was safe.
After Lucas left, Ava called Ric and said she needed to see him right away. She asked him to file an emergency order to get Avery, citing the explosion as a reason. Ric didn’t think it would work as Avery as she was at Carly’s, where she has her own room and has lived most of her life. Ric advised her to wait for the right moment to make the right move. Ava slammed Ric as an absentee father. He told her not to make it personal and explained he wanted her to fight for Avery but be smart about it. He warned her that it would be an expensive fight and asked why she hadn’t paid him yet.
Ava told Ric she was working to secure some funds, and when she did, she’d give him his money. Ric told her to dig in for the long haul when it came to the custody of Avery. He told Ava to watch and wait and said patience was key. Jenz came in and introduced himself. He said he was new in town and came across her gallery. He was looking to find paintings for his new home.
Ric and Ava chatted with Sidwell, and he revealed that he had bought a mansion on Spoon Island. Ava told him she used to live at Wyndermere. Jenz smoothly told Ava that she should be the one to help him pick the art for the home. Ava began showing him paintings in the gallery that she thought would look good.
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Jenz appreciated Ava helping him pick out the art and invited her over to help with placement. He kissed her hand before leaving, and Ric teased her for knowing how to close a deal. He took Sidwell’s check out of her hand and put it in his pocket, thanking her for her first payment towards her legal bill.
At the PC Grill, Cody ran into Drew. “I’d say it was nice to see you, but I am far too sober to lie,” Cody said. Across the restaurant, Jordan was with Martin but spotted Cody talking to Drew. Drew told Cody that he must be disappointed as now that his relationship with Willow was out in the open, Cody had nothing to blackmail him with any more. Just as Cody looked like he wanted to knock Drew out, Jordan interrupted and told him not to even think about it. Jordan got them to cease and desist their argument, and Cody left.
Jordan told Drew to look around as there was no one who wanted to talk to him who wasn’t on his payroll. Drew guessed Curtis told her what happened with the CEO position but argued how he could have had complete control of the Aurora Wellness Division. Jordan laid into him how it wasn’t about titles; it was about loyalty and honesty, something Drew didn’t have.
Drew said Curtis was just as deceptive when he stole Aurora. Jordan scolded Drew for digging a hole for himself and said if he didn’t start making amends, he’d be alone. He asked if she was one of those people, but she said she cared only enough to advise him to start mending fences.
Marty came over after Jordan left and asked if Drew’s approval rating had dropped. Marty said as a survivor of three divorces, he offered some advice. He said the heart wants what it wants and to stay true to his feelings and do right by the woman he loved. Drew agreed and said that since Willow was dealing with Michael, he wanted help getting the kids back to their mom. Marty said Tracy had no legal right to the kids, but she had connections. Drew knew Tracy thought she was safe behind the high wall of money, but said he was willing to do anything to get the kids back with Willow.
Sonny arrived at the hospital, and Willow told him and Carly that she knew they were upset with her, but she wanted to find a way forward that worked for all of them. “Does that mean you’re going to let us see our son?” Carly asked.
Carly said she was the one who had the kids sent to the Quartermaines and had no idea Tracy would refuse to let them go. Carly and Sonny agreed that Tracy had no right to keep the kids and were determined to find a way to get them. Willow said she had learned through this experience that she needed to trust her own judgment, especially when making decisions about the kids and Michael.
Willow told Sonny and Carly that Michael needed them and she wouldn’t stand in the way. They were grateful, and Willow said she wasn’t sure how it got to the point it was. She thought Michael had done so much for her. Portia walked up and asked Willow to speak in private about Michael's next steps in recovery. Willow wanted Sonny and Carly to hear what Portia had to say. “That way, we can all discuss the options together,” Willow added. Portia shared that a bed had opened up at the John Hopkins Burn Unit. Portia said it was the best in the country. “I might have a better option,” Carly suggested.
Carly explained that the success rate of treatment at the German clinic was the highest. Portia said she had never heard of the procedure. Carly shared how Jack Brennan was able to secure Michael a spot in the clinic. Sonny asked Carly to talk in private so she reluctantly walked away to the waiting room with him.
Sonny asked why she hadn’t told him about it yet. Carly said she wasn’t sure until now that it was an option. Sonny wasn’t sure how he felt about sending Michael so far away. Carly pointed out how no one could tell Ava had been burned, and they wanted the same results for Michael. Sonny wondered how trusting the WSB was best for their son. Carly said she would be there every day. “I know you don’t trust Jack, but don’t you trust me?” she asked.
Sonny and Carly returned to Portia and Willow. Carly implored them to look into it, but Willow wanted Michael nearby so they could all visit him. Portia didn’t know anything about it, so she couldn’t allow it. Carly implored them to think about Ava’s third-degree burns and the results she had. “I’m not familiar with Ava’s case,” Willow said, but noted she knew what a great hospital John Hopkins was.
Sonny thought Michael should make the decision. Willow said that would mean waking him up and him being in pain. Portia said only one person could be in the room when he was woken up, and they all agreed that Carly should be the one to talk to him.
Outside Michael’s hospital room, Sonny told Willow he was glad they were able to come together to do something for Michael. Willow said Michael was lucky to have unconditional love in his life. “I think we’re the lucky ones to have Michael,” Sonny told her.
In Michael’s room, Carly was there when he woke up. He was immediately in pain. Carly told him she was there and Sonny was nearby. She said they were going to help him get better and wanted him to tell them how. "We need you to make a choice," she said.
Lulu looked for Maxie at her office but found Brook Lynn instead. Brook Lynn suggested she just text her instead of waiting, as her day was full doing job interviews. Lulu told Brook Lynn she was there to apply for the assistant's job at Deception.
Lulu said she needed a job as she didn’t have a trust fund to fall back on. Lulu and Brook Lynn bickered but Brook Lynn told Lulu that she lived in her family’s home with her husband, and Lulu needed to move on from the past. Maxie interrupted, and Brook Lynn had to go home as she had a message from Chase.
Once alone, Lulu told Maxie she needed a job. She applied to other places, but they didn’t pan out, and she wanted to apply for the assistant job. Maxie revealed the job was to be Brook Lynn’s assistant, not hers. Lulu said it was weird to her that Maxie was BFFs with someone Lulu hated.
Maxie said that Brook Lynn had been a good friend to her. Maxie thought something else was bothering Lulu. Lulu admitted she wanted to bring her daughter home now but couldn’t. Lulu was frustrated as she wanted to catch up with everyone else and the time she had missed, but felt like she was falling further behind.
Maxie empathized but said, “You’re already making the right steps to ensure you and your kids will have the life you want.” Lulu asked if she had the job. Maxie said she could make it happen if she really wanted it but just needed to know Lulu was going to be able to put her history with Brook Lynn aside so they could get along and work together. “Do you think you can do that?” Maxie asked.
Cody found Brad at the hospital and gave him “most of” the money he owed Selina. “Most? I placed a bet for you and now you can’t pay up?” Brad admonished. Lucas was watching from across the hall. Brad said he’d talk to his aunt and try to work something out. Cody said he’d never use the term “sure thing” again. Brad came back to the nurses’ station and told Lucas how he helped place a bet for Cody, and he was just dropping off Cody’s check, and then he wouldn’t be seeing her again. Lucas told him he didn’t owe him an explanation. Brad said he was aware, but Lucas had taught him telling the truth was important, and he wanted him to know. “I appreciate that,” Lucas told him warmly.
Chase came to see Tracy about Willow and Michael’s kids. Tracy said she’d had that conversation so many times already and told Chase to butt out. Chase begged Tracy not to make the situation more difficult. He said nothing meant more than family, and he knew she thought she was helping and protecting them. “But I promise you, you are only causing more damage,” Chase implored. He said the kids needed their mom.
Chase warned that Tracy could be facing criminal charges. Tracy laughed at him. Brook Lynn marched in with her arms folded and wanted to know why Tracy was picking a fight with her husband. Tracy told Brook Lynn that the kids were the only thing that made Monica smile, and she was doing it for her. Brook Lynn thought Monica wouldn’t agree that Tracy was doing the right thing, and that the kids would need their mom.
Brook Lynn told Tracy that she understood her intentions, but at the end of the day, it wasn’t her call to make. Tracy acknowledged Chase’s bravery in standing up to her but didn’t understand why he defended Willow. Brook Lynn said he was trying to keep the peace, and she should listen to him.
The door opened and closed, and Tracy said, “Back again? Whatever for?” Brook Lynn turned around to see Martin, Drew, Chase, and a policeman enter the room. “We have an official order signed by a judge, allowing us to take Willow Corinthos’ children back to her,” Martin said, holding out the paper. Drew asked Martin to go upstairs and tell the nanny to get the kids ready to go.
Tracy told Drew that was a waste of time. “Are you refusing to comply with a court order?” Drew asked. “I can’t comply, they’re not here,” Tracy shrugged. Drew asked where the kids were but Tracy said, “I haven’t the foggiest.” “Officer, you know what to do,” Drew told the cop behind him.
The officer walked over to put cuffs on Tracy. Chase told him he could put the cuffs away. “Sorry, Detective, the Congressman wants her arrested,” he said. The cop grabbed Tracy’s arm, and she wrestled it away. “That counts as resisting arrest,” Drew noted. “You did just strike an officer,” the policeman said. He put cuffs on Tracy as she told Drew he was going to regret it.
Next time on General Hospital
Willow asks Drew if she ruined her chances to get Wiley and Amelia back.
At the police station, a frustrated Tracy asks Martin when he will understand that he is backing the wrong horse.
Anna asks Brennan if he was the one who planted the device in Sonny's home.
Maxie tells Natalia it's not safe to be in "his" orbit.
Ava begs Sonny to do what's best for Avery before it's too late.
Michael tells Carly his decision.
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