Between hot mess Willow, an out-of-his-mind Drew, and Tracy Quartermaine under arrest, there wasn't a dull moment on General Hospital this week. Wait. Yes, there was. There were plenty of dull moments. But at least we had Tracy doing origami.
Drew is ewww...and everyone knows it

We're not sure if General Hospital truly intended to write a love story for Willow and Drew and then realized what is playing out on screen is anything but. This week, it became more than clear that the show knows what it now has on its hands. Whether intentional or not, we are watching Willow fall for another cult leader with just one follower — Willow herself.
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Drew's character essentially has zero redeeming qualities left, and he proved it this week — not just with Willow but also with Curtis. Drew is fitting into the crooked politician role as if he was born for it, threatening to use his new congressional powers to tank his own company if Curtis didn't cooperate with him. When Curtis quietly asked Drew to leave his office, we were hoping he would just pull a Jason and deck this smarmy creep right across the face. Nobody deserves that treatment more than Drew.
Of course, Curtis might have to get in line behind Nina, behind Tracy, behind Carly...the list goes on (and on and on).
There is honestly something extremely disturbing about Drew and his deranged obsession with Willow, making sure she believes he is the only one who can help her. In fact, one would think that he is channeling Shiloh, a man he knew during their days in Afghanistan before Willow even met him.
The character is emotionally controlling and feels almost irredeemable at this point. It takes everything we have not to scream at the TV for someone to just drag Willow away from him and stage an intervention — like the one she helped conduct when Kristina thought Shiloh was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Who are we kidding? We yell at the TV all the time. It's what soap fans do.
Willow's in way, way, way too deep

Willow did a weird thing this week — or at least weirder than usual. She told Drew she could make her own decisions and wanted to return to the gatehouse to be with her kids. Then, without even blinking, she reverted to the zombie form we had seen over the past month. She found her backbone, made a decision, and then, within seconds, she asked Drew if this was ok with him. Um, what just happened there?
Willow went from a strong and sensible young woman to a pile of mush without missing a beat. When she called Drew the next day just to hear his voice, we got chills. They were probably like the chills Nina got when Willow told her that Drew was right: she should just take her kids and live with Nina.
Nina would love nothing more than to have Willow with her, but she knew darn well Drew was dead wrong and gently encouraged Willow to stick it out with the Quartermaines. It wasn't so bad, right? Willow had her house and her what if Tracy wants to make her daughter's life a living hell? At least she declared no Drew for you, and Willow has to listen.
Also, Willow, Drew did not save your life in Greenland. You have Holly Sutton to thank for that after your creepy little hero got himself knocked out. We must keep repeating this fact.
Never change, Tracy (like ever, ever, ever)

A week where Tracy Quartermaine spends two days in the PCPD interrogation room is a week we have all waited for on soaps. We are sure Jane Elliot had the time of her life as Tracy spun around in the chair, made paper fans, and launched paper airplanes at Marty. We even suspect some of that may have been improvised, but it didn't make it any less delightful.
Poor Anna was so exasperated by this ridiculousness that she had to call Jason down to the station to deal with his wayward aunt. "It's your family," she told him as we were reminded of the Q miracle. Jason is indeed a Quartermaine again, and they are his family.
We have a feeling Jason and Tracy are going to develop the relationship we wish they had for years and are here for it. Maybe Tracy can be his new Carly, a woman who always gets herself in trouble with her mouth and then needs a quick rescue.
But Tracy wasn't done. Once she graciously allowed Willow to be with her own children, she forbade Willow from seeing Drew on Q property. Tracy makes the rules now. Can Willow even survive?
Please explain Sonny and Natalia

We don't understand why Natalia is still in Port Charles, and we certainly don't understand why she is with Sonny. There is no there there between them and no reason for Natalia to still be in town. She arrived out of nowhere to be with her daughter, but Blaze has been gone since summer, and Natalia apparently has no home to return to.
Where does Natalia come from? Why is she still living in a hotel? Does nobody miss her wherever she was living last? Sonny seems to like her but whatever has been developing between them for nearly a year now has gone nowhere as she flits in and out of the story every few weeks. We don't even remember the last time we saw her before she found Sonny unconscious this week.
The new Charlie's Pub the old Charlie's Pub

So, Kristina opened a brand-new Charlie's Pub by...adding some blue lighting? We are confused. The place looks exactly the same, except there are now a few drawings of guitars and music notes on the chalkboard behind the bar. Hmmm...
When Natalia walked in and told Kristina she just loved the live music, we wondered what the heck she was talking about. There was a sign that advertised live music but there live music. Are we being gaslit?
At least there was a bar brawl, thanks to Cody. We even got to hear all about Society Setups again and wondered why there were never any consequences for Spinelli hacking every human on Earth to create a dating app. At least Cody and Molly had a chem test when Cody ended up behind bars. Maybe it was the magic of Society Setups working from afar.
No first kiss for Carly and Brennan...Sigh

Carly took off to Germany this week to be there for Michael, and we assumed we might not see her for a while. She even shared a tender farewell with Brennan when the week began, only for him to show up at her German hotel room as the week ended. Did that mean we'd finally see a first kiss?
Of course not. Carly and Brennan have been circling around each other longer than Sonny and Natalia, yet their relationship has still gone nowhere. It needs to go somewhere fast because some of us are running out of patience.
Yes, a first kiss for Rava! Hurrah!

Ric and Ava are moving faster than Carly and Brennan and Sonny and Natalia, and they should. Ric and Ava are everything we need to liven up this town. Neither one is all that nice or all that liked, but they like each other, and that's all that counts. And we like them. We really, really like them.
That first kiss Ric was going for under the mistletoe at Nina's didn't work out, but he tried again, and this time, he succeeded. He even made Ava run off like a teenager. She was so flustered after that perfect kiss that she could barely even look at Ric. When she did, she admitted that the view was perfect in her new apartment...and she was talking about Ric, not what she saw out the window.
We are already planning the Rava wedding, which will take place at the Jerome Gallery. We expect the bride to wear black as Lucas gives her away. Nina and Trina will be the maids of honor, of course, while Molly will be the best person. Will Sonny show up to see his brother and his baby mama wed? Will Alexis object just for the heck of it?
Who needs wedding planner Maxie when you have Soap Central? Schedule this wedding for May sweeps, stat. Till next week, when we hope Ric and Ava will finally hit the sheets.
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