Planning a wedding can be brutal. You've gotta focus on the cake, the venue, the guest list, your budget coming down hard on you, inviting people you don't really like but have to anyway, and so much more.
Plus, if you're the bride, then it's somehow worse. You've got the weight of your family's, if not the world's expectations on you, and you still have to smile through it all and look as elegant as a swan. How is that even possible? Between planning the wedding, spending time with your partner, and mentally preparing for a lifetime together, how do you even breathe?
We know just how horrific the whole ordeal can be, and so, we've compiled a list of some of the funniest memes to show you just how bad every other couple getting married has it as well. Have fun!
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer's opinion; the reader's discretion is advised. Do let us know in the comments what you think should have made the cut.
First month of wedding planning vs the last month of wedding planning: (via Instagram / @paunveiled)
Me on my wedding day: "Hey, are we still on for today?" (via Instagram / @prelovedofficial)
When the groom calls you his best friend but his dog at home takes it personally: (via Instagram / @petsies)
When you see your groom's choice in shopping and it makes you rethink the whole thing: (via Instagram / @wedmegood)
"At my wedding, I will only invite people I like": (via Instagram / @netflixnmovies)
Nobody: Me: *Trying to work out my wedding budget*: (via Instagram / @vanovernapierco)
When she thinks the wedding is all about her but you have to remind her that it's your day too: (via Pinterest / @Bored Panda)
"I'm getting married only after I finish school, get a good job, and stabilize myself financially": (via Pinterest / @Bored Panda)
Every bride's reality after they said they wanted a "small and intimate ceremony" (via Instagram / @sayi_do)
The 4 stages of planning a wedding: (via Instagram / @paunveiled)
When you finally get married and have nothing to do anymore: (via Pinterest / @Bored Panda)
When you've been planning your wedding for six months but realize its only been two weeks: (via Pinterest / @PA Unveiled)
When you're on the other side of the spectrum and think this is what "extremely small, simple, and intimate" means: (via Pinterest / @YouTube)
For all those walking down the aisle in some time, you got this. Hopefully, this list of memes made life a little brighter for you.

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