15 hilarious product reviews that did a better job than the ad agency

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Online shopping has become an essential part of our lives, and the real heroes of online shopping are the people who take time out of their busy schedules to review products so that we can choose better. Sometimes, the product reviews are funny, and sometimes, comedy gold is hidden between them.

With these hilarious product reviews, one thing is clear, there are people in the world who are living a very bizarre life and are not afraid to share it with others. They need to hesitate in life but choose to inspire others with their experiences. Such noble souls deserve a place on this list today.

These product reviews are not just funny. They are an experience that will be a roller coaster ride. Trigger warning: you might not be able to make sense of anything.

15 hilarious product reviews that will make you laugh out loud

Here are 15 rib-tickling product reviews that are funnier than many comedy routines and more thrilling than any movie, with 1500 plot twists that you won't be able to guess till the end.

Weird Sticker Boy is the male equivalent of a crazy cat lady (via Pinterest/eBaum's world)

It works like a scarecrow; it keeps friends away.

What made him buy this in the first place? (via Pinterest/Cheezburger)

He must feel like the Joker while driving.

Shoes > daughter (via Pinterest/Cheezburger)

He will get another daughter but not another pair of Nikes.

At least there was a happy ending. (via Pinterest/Dwayne Grisik)

There is a silver lining in every failure.

Perfect gift for your boss. (via Pinterest/Cheezburger)

Boss is the only person you hate to this level.

I never knew there was a thing like a girl pen and a boy pen. (via Pinterest/Bored Panda)

Her husband is very close to uncovering the truth about women.

The Weeknd wrote this review before writing the song I Can't Feel My Face. (via Pinterest/Michelle Rudd)

And you thought the song was about something else.

At least the pancake would have been shiny. (via Pinterest/Jakehall)

A+ for presentation.

I have no clue where the product is. (via Pinterest/Bored Panda)

The review delivered the message perfectly.

Why did Kristen need crickets in the first place? (via Pinterest/Cheezburger)

Were the nights too silent?

This guy should become a writer. (via Pinterest/Bored Panda)

No marketing agency can come up with this flair of storytelling.

I didn't know milk was supposed to defend us from the outside too (via Pinterest/BuzzFeed)

Tuscan Milk must feel like a failure now.

Every dream has a meaning

My Dream:

(via Pinterest/Bored Panda)

I feel like I'm in the movie Inception.

Day 483 of having weird dreams. Today's entry: (via Pinterest/Bored Panda)

I haven't slept in 3445 days.

Someone at the Parent Child Testing Product facility found this funny. (via Pinterest/ BuzzFeed)

Imagine opening the box and getting your face ripped off.

If your head is spinning with confusion or you can't stop laughing, then these hilarious product reviews have done their job correctly. They have managed to make you laugh, even if it was for a brief moment.

Edited by Sarah Nazamuddin Harniswala
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