Walruses are some of the most naturally hilarious creatures that never fail to make people of all ages crack up with their funny antics, whether it’s their goofy expressions or their unexpected clumsiness. So, in honor of these comical giants, let’s dive into some of the funniest walrus memes!
Nikolai the Walrus (via @AMAZlNGNATURE / X)
Perhaps the most popular walrus in the world, Nikolai is an internet favorite. His expressions alone could win an award for comedy! Just look at how comically he reacts to food!
Great whistlers (via @AyoolaMatthee / X)
Walruses are great whistlers. But this one takes it a step further by managing to play a mouth organ, too! Talk about musical talent!
Blowing candles (via @EshopverseStore / X)
Isn’t the video of this walrus blowing out candles on his birthday and clapping the coolest thing ever?
Ashamed walrus (via @CatsandDogsmem / X)
Aww, look at how hilariously this walrus looks ashamed after accidentally splashing water on that kid!
Too much fish (via @rlopin / X)
This hilarious AI-manipulated video of Nikolai the Walrus imagines what would happen if he ate too much fish. Apparently he can throw them up in their exact shape and size like they were never even chewed or digested!
Deep sleepers (via u/ChequredWolf / Reddit)
You know you’re a deep sleeper when you wake up miles away from where you started!
Shredded Walrus (via @1of10media / X)
Looks like this walrus is serious about fitness, as he seems to be on a mission to build some rock-hard abs!
Supermarket mishap (via u/OkuroIshimoto / Reddit)
Now that's an embarrassing moment, isn't it? Looks like this walrus will be visiting all other supermarkets besides this one!
Chill guys (via @aurelius1988 / X)
Here’s a random picture of a walrus surfing the internet with an ancient Greek warrior. You're welcome!
Floating couch for Wally (via @meme.ig / Instagram)
Wally the walrus must surely be happy with his own floating couch since he was always stealing other people's boats.
Bags of potatoes (via @dadjokegenius / X)
This herd of walruses sleeping together does look like bags of potatoes, doesn’t it?
Hello dog? (via u/eliavk / Reddit)
Nothing much going on here, just a walrus chatting with his dawg.
Walrus and the boys (via @tanasmusashi77 / X)
It’s okay to be chilling with some friends, but where did the walrus get that T-shirt from?
I am the walrus (via @SatoshiFlacco / X)
Ya’ll ain’t ready for this walrus to drop some high-level notes and bars!
Napping giant (via @UKI_SOLANA / X)
Shhhh, let the animal sleep!
Great cosplay (via @dog_rates / X)
You’re not gonna fool us, sir. We know you’re a dog!
The world is their bed (via @WoaAnimals / X)
This walrus cracked up all the people inside this submarine by taking a nap on it. They'll just sleep anywhere, won’t they?
Weekday vs. Weekend (via @funnyordie / X)
Who knew walruses like to practice musical instruments on weekends after a week of working?
Walrus jokes (via u/RicRaw84 / Reddit)
Now that's a smart joke that managed to include both a walrus and a seal!
Copy-paste (via @frenchie.chic / Instagram)
Could it be that the Frenchie and baby walrus are brothers from different mothers? Because even their mothers wouldn’t be able to tell them apart!
And there you have it, folks! Walruses are absolute goofballs that can't help but crack us up.

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