This one is for all the men out there: Let's be honest, you all have at least one pair of underwear that is hanging on by threads but you refuse to let it go because "it still does the job."
Well, you're not the only one. An image of a pair of knickers is doing the rounds online, one that looks like it has been battered to death. The waistband is clinging onto the rest of the clothing for dear life, and the user's caption has left everyone in splits:
"What’re we thinking fellas? Another 2 years probably?"
We've rounded up some of the funniest reactions left in the comments section for you! Have fun.
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer's opinion; the reader's discretion is advised. Do let us know in the comments what you think should have made the cut.
Users react hilariously to an image of worn-out underwear as the wearer asks if it's still viable
One user gave out advice that had nearly every man in the comments section agreeing wholeheartedly:
"they still got about 6500 km left in em."
The comments section of the post was visibly abuzz, with users chiming in with some of the funniest reactions to the post:
The men who know, know:
Someone else seemingly had sound advice. Or, at least advice that left everyone concurring:
Another jokingly pointed out that he doesn't have any choice but to make it work:
Check out what this one user suggested to use the same pair of knickers for some more years:
Another user pointed out that things could have been worse, and that there's no need to go flinging things that are perfectly fine in the trash:
One user chimed in with an image of his own sneakers to show that he's in the same boat:
Someone else had a suggestion as well, though this man even gave out a visual representation:
One user gave the worn-out underwear over a year at best before the wearer would have to call it:
Another user had no words to say, and could only react with this hilarious image:
Someone jokingly suggested that this pair of underwear might even be "in their prime," and that its current state could even work in its wearer's favor:
Someone referenced an old meme, noting that it's giving the same energy:
Someone suggested that he just needs a crash course on sewing to pull the undergarment for another 5 years at the minimum:
One user on X had the most bizarre suggestion out of all:
What are we thinking, lads? Another year, easy?

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