If you have a cat, this story might serve as a reminder to lock your devices before a tea break. So, here it goes. A woman in South China, Chongqing area was terminated from her job after she emailed a resignation letter to her boss.
You must be thinking that's the whole purpose of resignation, she was asking for it. Here's the twist. She typed the email, however, it was another 'mystery man' who sent it on her behalf without her knowledge.
What exactly happened and who is the mystery man?
The woman was considering switching jobs, but due to the lack of openings at the moment, she decided to stay until the Spring Festival at the end of the month. Nonetheless, she decided to write the mail on January 5, 2025, and save it in drafts. Convenient, right?
All it would take was clicking on the 'send' button and she would be off to better opportunities awaiting her. After all, what possibly could go wrong with a harmless email waiting in drafts? She forgot to consider the fact that she cohabitats with a family of 9 cats!
Then again, what do cats even know about jobs and resignation? All they care about is their food and personal space. The owner prioritized the cats and saved the email, thinking it would be difficult to feed the family without a job. Can't blame her, can we? Pets are expensive in this economy.
But cats aren't as grateful for sacrifices as dogs. Guess who mailed the resignation?
CCTV footage revealed that 'Mystery Man' sending the email was none other than one of her cats. 'Et tu, brute?' The woman thought as she looked at the cat, but it was too late.
Consequence of the cat's actions
The woman immediately called the recipient of the email and explained how her cat ran over her keyboard. It was an honest mishap and she didn't mean to resign, at least not right now. But is the excuse even believable? It is like the adult version of "My dog ate my homework."
Her boss refused to accept the withdrawal and was fired from her job. Moreover, she lost her year-end bonus as well. We haven't heard from the cat yet, so let's hope it has 8 more lives left!
The news about the hilarious pet shenanigan sparked laughter on social media as users expressed their takes.
Looks like the cat took ‘paws-on’ management to a whole new level—talk about feline betrayal!
An X-user commented. This has to be one Scooby Doo-level deception and betrayal.
This is the reason why you should fill in the address field last.
Modern problems require modern solutions, right? Another user provided some pragmatic life hacks about benchmarking.
Easing the Cat-harsis
Let's consider two possibilities. On a positive note, the woman was already burnt out and the empathetic cat wished to see her happy and free. It couldn't let the owner sacrifice her peace for some catnip. On the other side of the coin, it wanted to steal her job! Rumors have it that the boss had reached out to the cat to fill the vacancy.

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