Black cats cannot be an omen. Not because of anything other than the fact that they have too much of a goofy personality to be serious. I mean, have you ever met a black cat? They're either loving, fun, clingy, or mischievous. Seldom are they a nuisance. How, then, could it be dubbed a bad omen?
Some of the cutest, prettiest cats are black in color. Although some parts of the world do find these adorable little kittens to be a good omen, some also associate them with bad omen. Well, good for them. Nonetheless, these shadowy little figures have become the heart of this article, and we've rounded up some of the best memes to brighten up your day. Have fun!
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer's opinion; the reader's discretion is advised. Do let us know in the comments what you think should have made the cut.
All of the cutest, most hilarious memes about black cats in one place!
Check out this little black cat who got a little too silly: (via Pinterest / @Logan White)
huh? HUHHHHH???? (via Instagram / @good_cat277)
Are you serious right now? (via Instagram / @sadasscats)
When they say black cats mean bad luck, but this is what black cats are like: (via Instagram / @catmemesforall)
When everyone is posting this meme but it's just your regular face: (via Instagram / @everyday_olive)
When my husband raises his voice at me, and I'm deciding between crying or showing him that I was raised in the hood: (via Instagram / @catconworldwide)
Little black cat stares alarmingly at you: (via Instagram / @angycatto)
POV: You got caught scrolling at work: (via Instagram / @chicagoblackcat)
When it's time for me to write down the great idea I had earlier: (via Instagram / @writingworkshopsofficial)
When Netflix asks me if I'm still watching: (via Instagram / @lollypopfarm)
When you put wet food for your black cat as dinner vs. when you're eating your own snack: (via Instagram / @lapcatsrescue)
When you pspsppss into the void, sometimes it can pspspsps back: (via Instagram / @blackcatsrrock)
You're not bad luck little guy! Don't listen to them: (via Instagram / @blaccatsrrock)
Today, he's not a black cat. He's an owl. Leave him alone: (via Instagram / @blaccatsrrock)
Sorry... I thought I heard you just say "get out of my chair, kitty." You must be new here: (via Instagram / @blaccatsrrock)
If this list of hilarious and yet cute memes didn't convince you that black cats are the best, then we don't know what will.

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