The beloved Canadian outdoor gear brand Arc'teryx has teamed up with artist Romon Kimin Yang, famously known as ROSTARR, to launch a special edition of its Alpha SV jacket in a 'Year of the Wood Snake' iteration.
This limited-edition release celebrates the Lunar New Year and marks the New Year zodiac with its design. The jacket is available only at select Arc'teryx stores in North America and Europe and is priced at $1,210. This exclusive piece can not be purchased online.
Arc'teryx and ROSTARR collaborated on their official Instagram handles to announce this exclusive launch and captioned,
"It’s the Year of the Wood Snake and we’ve collaborated with ROSTARR to create something auspicious. To celebrate the Year of the Wood Snake, we collaborated on a limited-edition layer with multi-disciplinary artist @rostarrstudios."
It also read a quote from ROSTARR, the artist himself:
"The snake is a mysterious and beautiful creature that I have a lot of reverence for. Channeling my Asian roots, I created a calligraphic one-stroke image of a snake in an S-shaped striking position—making it look as if it’s gazing into the future. The scales of the snake’s skin are represented by abstract strokes, giving it a feeling of motion and rhythm, from head to tail."
Looking into the Alpha SV 'Year of the Wood Snake' jacket
The Year of the Wood Snake inspired the jacket’s look. According to ROSTARR, the snake symbolizes wisdom, creativity, and more. These qualities are also reflected in the jacket's design.
The standout feature of the piece is a calligraphic snake motif. It is a one-stroke representation of the creature in an S-shaped pose. The pattern symbolizes the scales of the snake in abstract strokes. The motif is embroidered on the left sleeve, adding a touch of exclusivity to the new limited edition of the much-acclaimed Alpha SV jacket.
The Alpha SV jacket is one of Arc'teryx’s most beloved pieces. The brand claims that it is designed to withstand alpine climbing and adverse mountain environments.
For this limited edition, the jacket is constructed with GORE-TEX Pro 2.0 fabric, which is waterproof and windproof, and is made of a triple-layer N100d and other recycled materials.
Additional features of the Lunar New Year-inspired jacket include adjustable StormHood, waterproof zippers, and RECCO reflector, among others. The zipper adds a pop of color to the overall design of the winter wear with yellow accents.
Chest and internal storage pockets and a water-sealed pocket on the left bicep offer convenience to the wearer, while the RECCO reflector has been incorporated for safety.
Below is what Arc'teryx mentioned regarding the exclusive "Year of the Wood Snake" jacket on another Instagram post:
"To celebrate the Year of the Wood Snake, we’re sharing good fortune with a limited edition of our most durable alpine climbing jacket, the Alpha SV."
It also adds,
"Made from recycled GORE-TEX PRO 2.0, it features a unique calligraphy-inspired design from multi-disciplinary artist @rostarrstudios, who embodies the classic traits of the snake: wisdom, creativity, and boldness. Only available in select stores."
Fans weighed in on the comment section to hype the limited-edition launch, with some saying,
"Wow this is best collaboration! congrats Rostarr", declared a fan.
"Very cool, love that embroidery 🐍💛", lauded another.
"Why does it have to be select stores only💔", expressed a third.
Visit the stores to grab this Year of the Wood Snake Alpha SV jacket.
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