Get ready for the final chapter of Joe Goldberg's story, as You Season 5 is coming to Netflix this spring. All episodes of the nail-biting bloody tale will premiere on April 24.
Based on a novel by Caroline Kepnes, You tells us a story about Joe, a book-loving psychotic killer. Joe (Penn Badgley) finds thrills in killing women he pretends to love. Joe's story has been nerve-racking from targeting victims in New York in Season 1 to Los Angeles the next season. In the next two seasons, his bloody adventures take us to the suburbs of San Francisco and London.
In the final season of You, Joe Goldberg returns to New York to enjoy his happily ever after with Kate (Charlotte Ritchie). However, things are not as smooth as Joe faces his past dark desires. Meanwhile, Joe also comes across a young woman played by Madeline Brewer. Even though the titles of nine out of 10 episodes have been released one remains unnamed. Note that the order of the episodes is not in their actual order of release.
- JoeGoldberg
- Last Dance
- The Dark Face of Love
- Folie a Deux
- Blood Will Have Blood
- Imposter Syndrome
- My Fair Maddie
- Trial of the Furies
- The Luckies Guy in NY
Let's break down what each title might mean.
You Season 5 Episode Titles: What could they mean?
The finale of You Season 4 showed Kate (Charlotte Ritchie), her father Tom Lockwood (Greg Kinnear), Nadia (Amy Leigh Hickman), Marienne (Tati Gabrielle), and Joe face different challenges and go about their ways. Joe confesses to Kate about his true identity that he attempted suicide and is a serial killer.
We come to know that Kate with her media sources creates a story of Joe's death and highlights his escape from Love Quinn. Joe in the meantime moves aboard to protect himself. He finally returned to the U.S. and the New York City. JoeGolberg might be the first episode of the series that would deal with Joe's life in New York. We could finally see Joe who grew up in poverty live a luxurious life among the elites.
Blood Will Have Blood

Joe's bloody past is no secret. He has killed many as it provided a sense of thrill and satisfaction. He last killed Tom Lockwood and his bodyguard in an intense situation to save himself from being killed.
The title of this episode is quite interesting as it could mean that someone related to Joe (friends or family) might seek revenge. It is therefore not unusual to see Joe on his bloody mission once again.
Folie a Deux

Well, who hasn't come across the famous Joker phrase 'Folie a Deux'? This French term means a rare mental disorder that causes two or more people to share a delusion. It is also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder.
This episode might reveal the multiple personalities of Joe in the upcoming season. On one hand, we can witness Joe's partnership with Kate which becomes quite overbearing for Joe. We also see Joe thriving with Bronte. They connect well over literature and share quite a few similarities. Hopefully, we could see a different side of Joe in this episode.
Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome stands for a psychological issue where high achievers often experience self-doubt and the same happens to Joe as well. His self-doubt about his relationship with Kate might impact their relationship further.
Another instance might be Joe struggling to keep up with the elite circles of New York. Even though he was born in poverty he made his way to the wealthy circles but never really fit in those spaces.
My Fair Maddie
Maddie Lockwood (Kate's half-sister), perfect manipulator was introduced in the previous seasons. Maddie was presented as an unserious twin, a thrice divorced socialite who worked as a PR. Her arrival in the show created many twists and turns. Maddie manipulated Kate and Joe which could even result in her death. She always eyed Tom Lockwood's fortune.
This episode of You might deal with her death and the speculations arising from it. Her high-profile death might create trouble for Joe and Kate.
Last Dance

The phrase 'last dance' usually means one final act. Even though Joe seems to have ditched his bloody past, things might get gritty for the one last time. Joe might find himself in the middle of a murder one last time. As the series is in the final season, we might see Joe kill once more before calling it quits.
The Dark Face of Love

Even though not much can be decoded from the title, this could mean some twists in Kate and Joe's relationship. One instance suggests that Kate might take some drastic steps to save her relationship and in turn take a drastic step.
Another instance points towards Joe's relationship with Bronte and his ways to protect it from Kate's evil plans. If the relationship gets exposed, a jealous Kate might plan for Joe's arrest.
The Luckiest Guy in NY

This episode in You, titled The Luckiest Guy suggests there might be some shocking twists and turns. Joe might face arrest for his crimes by the NYPD. Even though the reasons are not clear they might be due to his romantic angle with Bronte. Kate might discover this secret relationship and turn against Joe. She might gather all the evidence against him thus revealing his bloody past to the police.
The title also suggests Joe might be able to find a way out of this web of evidence piled up against him. For that, we need to wait for You Season 5 premiere.
Trial of the Furies

This episode of You might deal with Joe's trial in court after being accused of multiple murders. In Greek mythology, the Furies also called Erinyes were goddesses who punished criminals and restored order in society. In this case, Marianne and Nadia might play the role of the Furies.
This episode might be towards the end of the series where Joe's fate will be revealed. The trial will test whether Joe could escape the law or would be put behind bars.
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