Nick returned to Ian’s motel room, where Chance told him he had requested a search warrant. Nick gave an update that he had knocked on every door and had shown a photo of Sharon to everyone he could, but no one had seen her. The manager told him that he’d caught a glimpse of the woman in Ian’s room, though, and said she had long blonde hair. “That’s pretty vague,” Chance told him. “I think I almost caught her! When I was leaving the office, from across the parking lot, I saw a woman running. She had long blonde hair and was wearing glasses,” Nick explained. He added that he had yelled at her to stop, but she drove off in a black pickup truck before he got to see her face.
Chance was having the lab check out the fingerprints he’d gotten and hoped to have answers soon. Nick thought the woman he saw in the parking lot was the same one in the surveillance videos. He said there was something about the way she moved, it was like a rat going in and out of the shadows. “You know, doesn’t want to be seen. Does that sound crazy?” Nick asked.
Nick said the truck didn’t have plates at the front or the back. Chance thought that was a sign and called in an APB on the truck. Nick reminded Chance that Phyllis’ recalled blonde in a dark pickup ran her off the road. “We have to find her before she hurts Sharon or anyone else,” Nick said.
Chance got notified by the lab that the fingerprints belonged to Jordan Howard. The prison confirmed she was in her cell but sent a picture. Nick looked and said that wasn’t Jordan. They realized Jordan was on the loose and working with Ian. “I have to tell my father. My whole family is in danger,” Nick told Chance.
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In the sewer, Sharon heard Nick call her name. She woke up lying on the floor. “You’re here to save me…again,” Sharon said weakly. “Not this time. I can’t find you. You have to do this on your own. You have to fight,” the vision of Nick told her. Nick encouraged Sharon to stand, but she couldn’t. “They drugged me again. My thoughts are all fuzzy. I want to get out of here,” Sharon told him but said she couldn’t do it as she was too weak. Nick told Sharon she was much stronger than she knew. He held out his hand and said he’d help get her out of there. Before she could, Nick disappeared. Sharon begged him not to leave her, but she fell back asleep.
At the ranch, Claire explained to Nikki and Victoria that she told Jordan she had a plan to kill Victoria for her inheritance. She added that Jordan wanted Nikki and Victor to feel loss and pain. Jordan called and told her they had a problem: “Detective Chancellor” was searching her motel room and she wondered if Claire had sent him to darken her door. “He’s there with your uncle Nick,” Claire added.
Jordan was concerned that DNA and fingerprints in the room would identify her. Claire swore she had nothing to do with it. Jordan said she needed somewhere else to stay. Claire offered to sneak her onto the ranch as it was the last place anyone would think to look for her. “You’ve got to see the humor in that,” she added. “Hilarious,” Jordan said dryly. Claire told her to meet at their spot in the park. Claire hung up and explained the situation; Nikki was very against having Jordan on the property.
Claire said it was the best-case scenario having Jordan close meant they could control her. Victoria thought it was all moving too fast, but Claire insisted she had it under control. She said she knew they hated seeing her scheming murder, but she was just doing what had to be done. Victoria admitted she wasn’t used to seeing the coldness in Claire. “It’s what has to happen at the moment. Getting emotional isn’t going to change anything. Jordan has to die so that no one else does,” Claire explained.
Victoria said it was hard to watch. Claire knew Victoria and Nikki were horrified with her, but she couldn’t think about that as she had to stay focused. “If we don’t do this, how many more lives is Jordan going to take?” she asked. She recalled how Jordan had taken Harrison and made him fear for his life. Nikki agreed that Jordan was a threat to everyone they loved as long as she was breathing.
Claire said they needed to figure out their next steps quickly of where they could take Jordan. Nikki had an idea and told them to get their coats. As they ran out the door, Victor appeared at the top of the stairs.
At the tack house, Victoria noted that the kids were at sleepovers, and Cole was in New York to meet with the Newman publishing division. Nikki thought they had no choice but to go ahead with the plan to kill Jordan, and they promised Claire to follow through. Victoria thought they should tell Chance and Nick as they were already closing in on Jordan.
Victoria said no matter how it went next, they had to live with the guilt. She wasn’t sure how to do that or how to pretend to support Claire while she planned to murder someone. Nikki said Claire would never feel safe as long as Jordan was alive. Victoria hated the idea of Claire having anything to do with that woman and where it drove her. “She deserves to be happy,” Victoria said. “Instead, the three of us are plotting a murder,” Nikki replied. Nikki admitted that part of her wanted to go through with it. “Would it be so wrong to do what Claire wants?” Nikki asked. Nikki didn’t think there was any other way to deal with Jordan than what they were doing. “Whatever happens after that, we’ll deal with it,” Nikki assured Victoria.
Claire met Jordan in the park and studied Claire’s face as she asked again if she had anything to do with Chance and Nick showing up at the motel. Claire convinced her she didn't, so Jordan assumed the only other person who could have done it was Ian. Jordan lamented that her prints were all over the room. Claire asked how Jordan could be so stupid. She told her there was no room for error in her plan and thought Jordan had lost her edge.
Claire adamantly told Jordan that this was her plan and she was the one who had to tolerate the Newmans. She wouldn’t tolerate Jordan messing it up for her. Jordan said she made one mistake, but Claire told her that was all it would take. Claire thought Jordan had forgotten everything she taught her. Jordan said she’d stayed undercover for weeks and was only caught by Claire because she wanted her to find her. Claire accused Jordan of holding back. She asked if Ian was her partner. Jordan admitted Ian was back to reconnect with Mariah the way she had with Claire. “You could have that if you don’t blow this,” Claire warned her.
Jordan told her how she and Ian met, teamed up, and came to Genoa City, but he was more concerned with Mariah than helping her reconnect with Claire. Claire told her aunt that Mariah had no room in her heart for Ian, but she felt differently about Jordan.
At the ranch house, Victor was on the phone with his security team, telling them to find Ian. Nick and Chance came in and told him that Ian was working with Jordan and that an imposter was in her cell. Nick added that Jordan was probably the one on the security cam who kidnapped Sharon.
Nick relayed how he almost caught Jordan in the parking lot, but there was an APB out on her. They deduced that Ian was in town for Mariah and Jordan was after Claire. They wanted to warn Claire, Victoria, and Nikki. Victor said they left the house but not the ranch, and they were up to something. He thought he should be concerned about what they were talking about. Victor was sure Jordan wouldn’t leave town without getting what she came for.
Jordan ditched her disguise and walked into the tack house with Claire. They talked about security, but Claire said they were looking for Ian, and she knew they wouldn’t check her backseat. Claire promised that no one was going to hurt Jordan there. Claire reminded Jordan that being on edge made you lose focus. She suggested Jordan relax and offered to make her a cup of tea.
Claire and Jordan sat down with their tea and reiterated how they got there. Claire offered to swap cups again as they had in the park in case Jordan still didn’t trust her, but she didn’t want to. Claire started asking questions, and when she tried to ask Jordan if she or Ian were involved in Heather Stevens’ murder, Jordan’s walls went back up. She asked if she was the one being played.
Claire knew Jordan didn’t like her questions but wasn’t interrogating her. She said she was the only reason she asked was so that she knew everything and there were no surprises, something Jordan had taught her. Jordan told Claire that Ian killed Heather and framed Sharon because he wanted her convicted of murder, so that would create an opening for him with Mariah. “He was going to use her grief as a way to reconnect with her,” Claire guessed. She asked where Sharon was and said she knew Jordan knew.
“Sharon and I are in the same boat right now: We’re both in a safe place,” Jordan said. Claire suggested Sharon was Jordan’s insurance policy against Ian. “And against the Newmans. And anyone else who might want to hurt me,” Jordan added. Claire asked where Sharon’s safe place was, but Jordan didn’t want to tell her. “I need to know it,” Claire told her aunt. Jordan told Claire that they needed to trust one another. “And leave Sharon’s fate up to me,” Jordan said. She raised her mug to her lips to drink her tea, but Claire told her to stop before she could take a sip.
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