John returned to Jabot as its CEO. Jack and Ashley planned a campaign for their teen line, but Brash & Sassy beat them to it. John told Billy that they were going to stay in Genoa City. Mac contemplated leaving town.

Monday, September 20
by Soap Central
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>Jack notices a beautiful woman sitting at Gina's counter reading the paper. He tries to strike up a conversation with her but, although she is polite, she isn't interested. After making a few passes that get him nowhere, Jack apologizes for coming on so strong but says that it has been so long for him that he is out of practice. This brings him a smile from Ramona who lets him know that she is in GC to attend a medical conference. He asks if she is a doctor and she tells him rather snippily that she is a nurse. She notices the time and says she has to leave. He tries to get her name and hotel number but she only wishes him a good day. Sitting there with one of those endearing foolish "Jack" smiles on his face, Gina comes by and asks him whom he is daydreaming about. He asks about Ramona but she admits to him that she has no idea who she is. Gina goes to check on Jack's take-out order and Jack grabs the paper Ramona was reading. Leafing through the paper, he is stunned to see something in the middle of the paper. With an angry look, as well as an angry explicative, Jack rushes out of Gina's without his order.
Victoria is chipper as she walks into her father's office. She tells him that things are happening very fast. She tells him about the positive meetings with the ad people and advises him to read today's chronicle. Victor asks her if she included Brad in all the meetings with the ad people. They get into another argument about Brad and he accuses her of having an attitude. He wonders where all these attitudes are coming from today. She doesn't know what he is talking about so he fills her in on Nikki's visit. He can't figure out where Nikki's strange mood is coming from. "Why don't you ask her?" Vicki asks. He looks at her like she has just spoken to him in Swahili. She says that he is a very smart man; he has to be to start NE from nothing and build it into what it is today. Now he should be smart enough to go home and ask his wife what is wrong.
At the Lodge, Nikki and Brad arrive. As they are sitting, Brad whispers secret orders to the waiter. Sitting, Brad tells Nikki that he doesn't want to do anything she doesn't want him to do. She says that she is fine and this place is beginning to feel like home, like a refuge. He asks what was upsetting her at the office earlier but she says that she would rather dance than talk about that. They get up and begin slow dancing very close together. When the dance is over, they return to the table where Nikki sees that the waiter has delivered a bowl of large strawberries and a bowl of whipped cream. She spaces out and begins to cry. Brad is frantic to find out what is wrong. She says that this is what Victor does for her at times. Brad is upset that he has brought back memories of Victor but she tells him not to worry. She is not having second thoughts. These days when she thinks of any romantic gesture that Victor has made, she just wonders who else he has made the offer to. Like Ramona, she says. She tells him that she knows that Ramona is in town; she gave Victor every opportunity to tell her about it but he didn't say a word. That tells her everything she needs to know about their relationship. She is happy to be there with Brad now. Brad says that he can wait if she has any doubts. "Brad, a woman is offering herself to ou so don't talk it to death. Now go book us that room upstairs that we were talking about."
John finally makes it to the boardroom to see Ashley. He tells her that he is late because he stopped by to have a talk with Jill. He tells her about his talk with Jill, saying that he thinks that Billy was just being a teen-ager and Jill is too hard on him. Ashley says that she hates to say it but she doesn't believe that Jill is the only one at fault. When he tells her about the trip to Chicago, Ashley is surprised since she hadn't heard about that. John says that Jill feels that it would be best for Billy to return to NYC and he tends to agree with her. Ashley wonders if he wouldn't be worried about Billy being alone in the big city. John says that he wouldn't be alone; he would have Traci and Steve. As he is leaving, Ashley tells him that he is a wonderful father and he shouldn't worry about Billy. He is an Abbott and the Abbotts have a way of landing on their feet. Billy will turn out to be a terrific young man. John thanks her and leaves. Only then do we see that Ashley has had her fingers crossed all the time.
Megan walks into Tricia's apartment and says that she should lock the door when she is alone. Tricia just forgot. Megan asks if she had that talk with Ryan the night before. Tricia said that she had a talk with Ryan but she didn't tell him about getting pregnant on purpose; the timing wasn't right. When Megan tries to talk about it, she changes the subject by asking about Megan's classes. Megan tells her that she has taken a semester off; she wants to be independent and answer for herself for a while. Tricia thinks it is a bad idea and begins saying that it is Tony who put this idea into her head. Megan says that she is wrong; she says that Tony wasn't pleased with her decision any more than Tricia. Tricia doesn't believe her and says so. Megan tells her sister that as usual she is totally misjudging Tony. She gets mad and walks out telling her to lock the door when she leaves.
Grace lies around on the sofa of her apartment decked out in only her silky underwear. Tony is taken aback when he walks into the living room. He notices her foul mood and offers to bring her some coffee. When he tells her that he is going through the paper looking for an apartment, she accuses him of kicking her while she is down. He wants to know what she is talking about and she tells him about getting fired by none else but Victor Newman, who took great pleasure in doing so. He reminds her that Jack promised to take care of her but she says that she hasn't heard from Jack in days. She has tried and tried to call him but he is always out---or so his secretary tells her. She leaves messages but he never gets back to her. Tony advises her to give it some time; Jack is probably busy. However, if Jack doesn't get back to her, she is a fantastic business woman and another smart company will snatch her up. Soon everything will be sunshine and roses again. Grace tells him that she relies on him so much and she needs him with her so much. She leans forward and kisses him. Soon he returns the kiss and they lay back on the sofa.
Billy arrives back at the Abbott home to find Mamie folding napkins. He joins in and helps her while asking if she has heard from his dad about his leaving. Mamie tells him that she doesn't know what is on John's mind but it would be a shame if Billy were to leave his father alone. He boasts that he will be leaving because both his mother and father will agree that it is best. He sounds so sure of himself, so arrogant, that Mamie looks worried.
Diane is just finishing lunch when Marissa comes in with the paper. She asks why she is the last to know. Diane is confused so Marissa gives her the paper and tells her to look at a certain page. Looking at the paper, Diane is surprised and tells Marissa that she couldn't have told Marissa about this because she didn't know about it herself. Angrily she says that she is a member of NE board and no one bothered to tell her or ask for her vote. She gets up angrily and rushes out.
Victoria is back in her office and she is packing up everything in sight. Ryan stops by and tells her that last night he thought Tricia was turning the corner but today, she is down again. It is hormones, Vicki tells him. He says that this is different. She acts like she wants to tell him something but can't get it out. When he decides that maybe he should go home and talk to her, Vicki tells him to stop being a mother hen and acting paranoid. She says that he is needed at the office; he has a job with her father and he has an office to move. He can't be running home every five minutes to check on his wife.
Vicki's secretary comes in with the paper and hands it to Ryan. He turns to the center of the paper and is impressed with what he sees. He says that Ross and Gary really know their business; this picture is fabulous! He compliments Vicki on being a great spokesperson. We see a full-page ad with a full-page picture of Vicki as he hands the paper to her. She says that this is dynamite debut and should grab a lot of attention.
Diane is about to enter the board room when she sees Ashley. She tries to leave but Ashley calls her back in and asks what or whom is she there to see. When Diane says she was looking for Jack, Ashley says she will give him a message. Diane says that she just wanted to know why she was kept in the dark about the Jabot/Newman split. She reminds Ashley that she was a strong ally of Jack's and should have been paid the curtsey of being told what was going on. Ashley tells her that her involvement wasn't needed. Anyway, she isn't a member of the Jabot board so if she feels that she was paid a discourtesy she should take that up with Victor. She adds, rather pointedly, that she won't even be a member of the Newman board for very long. When Diane reminds her that she did the family a big favor when there was nothing in it for her, Ashley pretends to think a while. "On the one hand, you break the guys heart and on the other hand, you vote for him. Hummm, it doesn't quite even things out for me." Diane says that the Abbotts don't have many allies; they need all the supporters that they can get. Sarcastically, Ashley wants to know what she can possibly do for them. "Let me put it this way then," Diane answers. "KISS OFF!"
Billy is digging into one of Mamie's pies when John returns home. He invites John to grab a plate and join him but John says that he will just watch. Billy says he has to get his licks in while he can because he will be gone soon. He wants to know if he has talked to Traci and Steve about his going to live with them. John says he wants to discuss this a little more. "You talked to Mom, didn't you?" Billy guesses. He says that he knows what she had to say; she bad-mouthed him. She only wants him there so she can mess with him. Things are bad between us, Billy says. She treats me like a kid. He then says that he knows he pulled a couple of wrong stunts but he has learned his lesson. But Jill thinks that being a good mother means telling him what to do. He can't see why he should take her advice or even listen to her. She is a joke! He goes on a rant about Jill's deserting him for years. She doesn't give a damn about him and she has proved it time and time again. John is appalled at the vehemence in his son's attitude. "I've made a decision," he says. "You are going to stay right here." Billy can't believe his ears!
Ramona pays Victor a visit and the two embrace. She asks about his leg and he says it is fine thanks to her. She admits that she is nervous about the seminar but he assures her that the people there are impressed by her work. They are the ones who wanted her to come; she should feel proud. She surprises Victor when she tells him that she is booked on a flight back home tonight. She only came because she didn't want to let him down. Victor doesn't understand why she is leaving so soon. She says that she also debated whether to pay him a visit or not. She finally decided that she owed it to him to come and thank him for the opportunity.
Jack is still angry when he bursts in on Ashley and shows her the paper. Now there are two of them looking as if they could spit nails.
The wall appears; the wall with all the pictures and articles about Vicki. Now someone walks to the wall and pins another picture up; it is the full-page ad of Victoria introducing Brash and Sassy.

Tuesday, September 21

Wednesday, September 22

Thursday, September 23

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again
Friday, September 24, 1999
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