Victoria threatened to quit if Victor messed with Brash & Sassy. Victor told Nick that expanding the cosmetics line was part of his plan to get revenge on Jack. Victor made Nick a Newman board member. Brad visited Diane and found the letter from the laboratory.

Monday October 25, 1999
by Soap Central
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Ashley tells Cole that she thinks that they should have a baby but Cole is less than enthusiastic. He questions her time for a child considering her career. She assures him that things are on an even keel now so she would be able to devote her time to a baby. He reminds her that things don't always stay on an even keel and she tells him that if she has a baby, she will make it her number one priority. Cole says that this tells him a lot about where her head and her heart is concerning their marriage but he will have to think about it. Ashley is disappointed because she was hoping to hear the same thing from him; she would like to know where his head and heart is also. Steve calls Cole to tell him that they are adding more cities to the book tour. Cole leaves Ashley alone while he goes upstairs to put the new dates in his calendar.
Tricia finally gets the keys that she wants duplicated. She gives the man ten dollars and tells him to keep the change. She rushes back to Crimson Lights where Ryan is having difficulty stalling Megan. Megan is ready to leave but she can't find her keys. Tricia "finds" them under the table and Megan leaves none the wiser. Ryan asks where the surprise for Megan is and she doesn't know what he is talking about. He reminds her and she tells him that it didn't work out. She says that when she got back to the store, the item had been sold. He asks what it was and she snaps at him accusing him of cross-examining her. Ryan backs off but lets it slip that Megan is making dinner for Tony that night. Without warning, Tricia jumps up and walks out, leaving Ryan confused.
From outside Tony's flat, Tricia calls his number. When there is no answer, she uses the key to let herself into the apartment, taking out the bra once she is inside.
Victoria tells her father that Cole's marriage is finished but that doesn't matter to Victor. He doesn't want to see his daughter going down that road again. She tells him sharply that her eyes are wide open. Before she can say anything else, Brad comes into the office. She begins to walk out but Brad stops her and insists on an update on the meeting and the photo shoot of the past week. As she is giving him the update, George arrives and tells Victor that so far he hasn't been able to convince Ramona to come to GC to work. He thinks that she respects Victor so much that he could convince her to come.
Meanwhile, in New Mexico, Helena drops by the clinic to see Ramona. She asks if she has made up her mind about the job in GC. She suggests that her uncertainty about going has more to do with not trusting herself around Victor Newman than leaving New Mexico.
Jack is looking for a table at Gina's when he spots Nikki and decides to join her. She doesn't stop him but she begins ranting at him about all the damage he has caused to her family. She says that he has caused damage that can never be undone. Jack wonders what she is talking about. When she doesn't tell him, he surmises that something personal is involved. He suggests that it is time to bury the past but she retorts that she would rather bury him instead. Jack says that he had hoped that the wounds had healed but he guesses he was wrong. He says that he is sorry because his one regret is that he caused her pain. Nikki starts to cry and tells him that increasingly she wonders if she is just living in a dream world where her life with Victor is concerned. Jack tells her that Victor will always be Victor and nothing will ever change that. He says that he will not take the blame or punishment for Victor's personality and she just has to take it or leave it. But he warns her not to do anything in haste because as much as it galls him, he knows how much she loves Victor. Do you really want to walk away from it all? He asks.
As Jill is making herself a drink, John stops by to tell her that a meeting has been called regarding the teen line. Looking at her drink, he just shakes his head and frowns. She tosses the drink out to show that she doesn't need it. John tells her to take more time with Billy. Instead of relating to him as an authority figure, she should try relating as a friend. He says he will help her if she will only make the effort. After John leaves, Jill stares at the bottle but doesn't pour another drink.
Kay opens the door and when she sees Brock, she faints. Brock catches her before she falls and carries her into the living room. When she comes to, she thinks he is a ghost but he convinces her that he is real. He says that when he heard that she had gone to India to find him, he knew that it had to be important and that she needed him. That is why he came home instead of calling. Katherine tells him that she has some incredible news for him. he knew she needed him. Kay says she has some incredible news for him.

Tuesday, October 26, 1999
by Soap Central
At Gina's, Jack and Nikki are talking. He feels that they have gone through too much to let a little business deal get in the way of their friendship. She says that because of him, other things happened. Before she can go on, her phone rings and she answers it. It is Victor wanting to know where she is. He tells her to stay right there; he is coming over to talk to her. Jack guesses that it was Victor and says he will leave before the big man gets there. Nikki tells him not to let Victor intimidate him. Jack says that he was only thinking of her; the last thing she needs is for Victor to see them together. As he leaves, he tells her to hang in there and not to let Victor intimidate her.
Kay wants to tell Brock about a woman in his life, one that he worked closely with in India several years ago. As she begins to give him details of his time with Amanda, he wonders how she found out about her. Kay says that everyone at the camp in India knew about the woman who broke his heart. Brock admits that he had high hopes of making a life with Amanda but it wasn't to be. He says that she still has too many facts; facts that Anna didn't know about. Kay begins to tell him about the young girl he met at the homeless shelter and finally tells him that she is her grand daughter, Brocks daughter. At first he thinks that she was just pulling a con but she convinces him that it is the truth.
Tricia sneaks into Tony's apartment but loses her nerve. She doesn't know where to put the bra where it will be inconspicuous yet easily found. She calls Grace and asks her. While they are talking she hears footsteps outside and panics. Grace tells her to calm down and hide. It is a false alarm, however, as she hears the footsteps walk on down the hall. She says that she is losing her nerve but Grace yells at her to hid the bra and get out of there. She then hangs up on her.
Gary and Ross arrive in Vicki's office for a meeting. Before Vicki arrives, Ross is reminiscing about the dance he had with her last night. Gary is about to warn him again about thinking about the boss but Vicki arrives before he can say anything. Ross tells Vicki that he enjoyed the dance with her last night and she says yes, it was nice. He says that he is going by CL again tonight and wonders if she will be there. She tells him no just as Nick arrives. He says that Neil is too busy to come to the meeting and Ryan will probably be late as he is doing something for his father. Vicki says that Gary and Ross are here to present new ideas on the Christmas campaign. "Good!" Brad announces from the doorway. "That is why I am here. I have some thoughts on that very subject." He asks that the ad guys leave while he talks to Vicki alone. Outside the office, Ross is angry at being dismissed like that by Brad of all people. Gary tells him that flirting with the client is bad business. Ross tells him he can take care of himself and he should drop the subject. You are the boss, Gary says and walks away.
Vicki tells Brad to have his say and then leave. Brad says that he has a very big idea, one that will kick Brash and Sassy into the next stratosphere. He wants to launch a full line of cosmetics in time for the Christmas season. Vicki tells him that it is impossible; they would be in direct competition with Jabot. Besides, she adds, it can't be done in that period. Brad says it can be done and they need to grab hold of the market before someone else does. Vicki says that this is a bad idea. Brad says that he is sorry she is taking that attitude. He came to her with this idea first but he can take it to her father if need be.
Jack arrives in the board room for a meeting at Jabot. Ashley is the only one there and he asks if she has heard from Victor lately. She asks why he asks because if he wants another favor from him, she won't ask for it. She is finished with corporate intrigue. Jack says it is nothing like that; he just wondered if she got a hint of trouble between him and Nikki. Ashley wonders what he is getting at but before he can answer, everyone arrives for the meeting. Jack announces that they need to discuss teen marketing. Jill says that they have nothing to offer. Jack says that they can have and they can have it by Christmas. It is of major importance that they have this line out by Christmas. Jill says that it is impossible to have a major product line out by Christmas and John tends to agree. However, Jack says that if they don't, they will be crushed. It is going to require all their resources and he wants to know who is in with him.
At Crimson Lights, Billy and Raul learn that Mac called to say that she wouldn't be in to work. Billy is worried; he says that Mac won't be home because home is the last place she wants to be right now. He tells Raul about their talk and how she is coming down pretty hard on Mrs. Chancellor about going to India to find her father. They decide to go back to the school to see if she is still there. However, when they arrive at the school, there are hardly any students there. They talk the janitor into opening Mac's locker. They find her books still there, which could be a good sign, but her coat is gone.
Neil is on the phone playing "Victor" by yelling at someone when Ryan comes into the office. He is on his way to the B&S meeting. Neil can't attend because he is trying to buy a company on the West Coast for Victor. He asks how things are for Ryan and Tricia. Ryan says that he is worried about Tricia; she is acting strangely. Neil lays it to hormones and tells him that it takes a while to get over the loss of a child. They are interrupted when Tricia arrives. Neil leaves and tells them to use his office as long as they need. Tricia apologizes for walking out on him earlier. He tells her to stop worrying about everyone. They are all going to be okay.
Megan arrives home and looks around suspiciously. Seeing nothing wrong, she goes into the kitchen and begins dinner. When Tony arrives home, he compliments her on how good the dinner smells. They eat and Tony tells her she can make Italian for him anytime. After dinner they get cozy. They lay down on the couch but suddenly Megan straightens up with the bra in her hand. "What's this?" she wants to know.
Nikki is about to leave Gina's when Victor arrives. You were leaving? He asks her. She replies that he said he would be right over and he is late. She has better things to do than sit around and wait for him to find it convenient to join her. He wants to talk about their problems---if she will talk instead of fighting. She tells him that he should open the conversation since this is what he wants. He begins by telling her that she walked out on him last night and was conveniently asleep when he got home and he doesn't like that. She answers that she is tired of dealing with his ex-wives. He says that that isn't the problem. He has waited all day for her to call him and explain her behavior of last night. She tells him that she isn't at his beck and call. She goes on to say that this is the problem; he has to have everything on his terms. He tells her that he thinks she is having a mid-life crisis and she tells him that that statement is so demeaning. Victor says it has to be the answer since his feelings for her hasn't changed. He adds that it is she that has changed. He doesn't understand why she is suddenly criticizing his constancy. She says that it is more like inflexibility; he never listens to anyone and he is unwilling to even embrace what anyone else is saying. He asks if she is bringing up the baby business again. She tells him that there are only a few times in a woman's life when she feels that her life is totally intertwined with that of her husband. Having a baby is one of those times. She explains that when she was laying on her death bed and he gave her a reason to live, that was another time when their lives were totally intertwined. But now, she says, she is just an appendage to his life, not his passion. She is afraid she will never be his passion again. "Now you listen here," Victor begins. "When I invited you to the private dining room last night, I wanted to show you how much you mean to me. I had something in mind that---"
"What?" she asks. "Something that would sweep me off my feet? Something bigger than life; romantic? If that is what you were planning, I'm not that easy to dazzle anymore."
"So you feel empty inside in regard to me?" Victor asks. "That is interesting to know. I guess I'll see you later." He gets up and walks out while Nikki sits wiping the tears away from her eyes.
Brock is convinced that he has a daughter so now he wants to meet her. Kay tells him that she isn't home right now but she expects her at any time. The doorbell rings and Katherine thinks that it might be her. Brock says he will go into the other room while she prepares Mac for him. Kay goes to the door but it isn't Mac; it is Billy and Raul. They come inside and break the news to her that they think that Mac may have gone on the run again. Raul says that Mac needs some space because she is more upset about her dad's death than she was letting on. Brock walks into the room just then. Billy asks who he is and Katherine says that he is Brock Reynolds, her son and Mac's father. The boys are open-mouthed at that announcement. "You are Mac's father?" Billy asks.

Wednesday, October 27

Thursday, October 28

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again
Friday, October 29
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