A week of episodes that told the love story of Paul and Christine, from their engagement to their wedding, and two very, very dangerous situations: a hit-and-run driver and an obsessed lover.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Paul's proposal catches Christine off guard (1994)
Monday, June 29, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired weeks devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on Paul and Christine Williams' love story -- with episodes dating back to 1994. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired September 21, 1994. In the episode, Paul pulled out all the stops to propose to Christine.
In a dimly lit corner table at an upscale, romantic restaurant, Paul mentioned a surprise he'd had planned for Christine. Christine replied, "I love surprises." Christine appeared quite surprised when Paul slipped a diamond ring on her finger and said, "Would you marry me?" After a long pause, Christine cried, "I'm speechless." Paul acknowledged that he'd caught Christine off guard. Christine admitted she couldn't recall ever having been so stunned. Paul pressed Christine for an answer. Christine admitted she didn't know what to say. Paul replied, "Well, at least you're not saying no." Christine told Paul he couldn't imagine all the things she was feeling.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Mary shows up at Christine's bridal shower (1994)
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired weeks devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on Paul and Christine Williams' love story -- with episodes dating back to 1994. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired December 14, 1994. In the episode, Paul's mother, Mary Williams, made a surprise appearance at Christine's bridal shower.
As the women fawned over Christine's new lingerie wardrobe, Nina asked if Mary was sure she wanted to be there. Mary inquired whether she was making Nina uncomfortable, but Nina was worried that Mary would be. Christine raved about a sheer, skimpy piece, but she clammed up when she turned and spotted Mary. Mary implored them not to stop the fun on her account. Mary handed over her gift, and Nina muttered to herself that it was probably a chastity belt.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: A hit-and-run driver mows down Christine and Paul (1994)
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
by Mike
At the Salem Inn, Claire helped Ciara try on wedding dresses that had been borrowed from the most exclusive boutique in town. Ciara raved that Claire was a miracle worker for having somehow managed to convince the owner to let them take the dresses out of the boutique for a few hours. "This decision's gonna be a lot easier to make without some, uh, random saleslady staring at me," Ciara predicted. "Whatever you need, I'm gonna make it happen -- you have my word that I am gonna do everything I possibly can to make sure that you and Ben have the most memorable wedding ever," Claire promised.
Ciara decided, while wearing one of the dresses, that it was the perfect choice. "If you like it, that's what matters," Claire conceded with a cringe of disgust. "Yeah, okay...but what do you think? I mean, you are the fashionista -- the one with the blog and all the followers -- so..." Ciara countered. "I hate it -- I...I think that it's...it's basic, and I think it looks like something that belongs on top of a wedding cake," Claire admitted, cringing again. "Um... Okay, yeah... Okay, yeah -- I guess you're right..." Ciara agreed after a moment of thought.
"Look, I -- I'm only trying to help you make the [truly] perfect choice...'cause if I do anything to screw up your wedding, we both know that your fianc will kill me," Claire reasoned, drawing a forced laugh from Ciara, who took the comment as an inappropriately worded joke. "[No] -- Ben actually threatened me," Claire insisted. "Threatened?" Ciara incredulously repeated. "Yeah -- um, when we were in the square [and] you went to go take that work call, he...let me have it," Claire vaguely elaborated. "[And] said those words exactly -- that he was gonna kill you?" Ciara challenged Claire. "Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit..." Claire admitted.
"But, um...Ciara, he was really intense -- it freaked me out... [Anyway, look], I'm sorry for even bringing up that [whole thing] -- it's understandable [that] he doesn't fully trust me yet...[although I'm] determined to show him [that] all I really want to do is make everyone's life better and happier!" Claire stressed before changing the subject, urging Ciara to take off the "hideous" dress and move on to the last of the boutique's options. Ciara complied -- then agreed with Claire's assertion that the new dress was the truly perfect choice. "It is gonna take [Ben's] breath away," Claire predicted.
After Ciara stepped into the bathroom to change into street clothes, Claire picked up the "hideous" dress and posed with it in front of a full-length mirror.
When Ciara emerged from the bathroom, Claire offered to take the dresses back to the boutique.
At the Hernandez house, Rafe listened with obvious concern as Gabi continued a phone conversation with the hospital's receptionist. "Yes, I know I called ten minutes ago -- and I'll call [again] in another ten!" Gabi snapped before hanging up on the receptionist, who still had nothing new to report. "Damn it -- they said the DNA results would be [ready] within the hour!" Gabi grumbled. "[But] it hasn't even been an hour yet, Gabi -- you gotta be patient," Rafe advised. "Patient? Do you realize what this means? When I get these results, my life is gonna change!" Gabi stressed. "If you get the results you want..." Rafe countered.
"These results have to confirm [that] my husband is really, truly still alive!" Gabi insisted. "I know how much you want [that to be true, but] he was declared brain dead, [and] his heart was given to Julie --" Rafe argued. "Don't look at me like I'm crazy [when the truth is that] you just don't want him to be alive!" Gabi snapped. "That is not true -- I just don't want you to be gutted all over again if you find out he's [not]; I just don't want your heart to be broken all over again," Rafe clarified. "It's gonna be the opposite of that -- it's gonna be whole again!" Gabi declared. "Okay..." Rafe replied. "I'm gonna prove you wrong!" Gabi vowed.
At the auto repair shop, Ben worked on a motorcycle with Jake, who kept making silly mistakes. "What's up with you, man?" Ben eventually asked. "I don't know -- guess I'm a little distracted," Jake replied. "Anything to do with a particular woman?" Ben wondered. "Well, Gwen says she might want to get back together..." Jake admitted. "The jealous, possessive 'roller coaster from hell' that you can't quit," Ben pointedly summarized. "Yep -- that's the one," Jake confirmed. "You know, being with her, it can be really, really good...but, eventually, something always messes it up," Jake mused with a shake of the head.
While on the subject, Jake told Ben about Gwen's earlier fight with Gabi. "If Gabi's brother hadn't shown up to take her to court, God knows what would have happened!" Jake declared at the end of the tale. "Wait a minute -- what if that's what this whole thing is about? [I mean], Gabi's nutso idea that I'm her dead husband -- maybe it's to game the judge into thinking that she's bonkers so that he'll send her to the loony bin instead of prison!" Jake suddenly realized. "Sorry -- do you want me to say 'mental institution' or 'hospital' [instead of 'loony bin']?" Jake quickly backpedaled. "I don't care what you call it," Ben replied.
"Okay... [Well], anyway, hopefully the pain in the ass gets what she deserves," Jake stressed. "Look, man...as you know, I'm not a fan, but Gabi's had it rough," Ben admitted, prompting Jake to counter that no one's backstory was tragic enough to make a theory about the resurrection of a brain-dead organ donor sound any less crazy.
Ben conceded Jake's point -- just as Gabi entered the shop and started bragging to the surprised mechanics that, after having been acquitted earlier, another victory was imminent because the results of the DNA test were finally ready to be picked up at the hospital. "Come with me," Gabi urged Jake. "I'll pass," Jake decided. "But this could change your whole life!" Gabi stressed. "I like my life the way it is," Jake insisted. "With that skank Gwen?" Gabi incredulously summarized. "Stop calling her that!" Jake tiredly countered. "And if anybody's a 'skank' --" Jake started to add. "I'm gonna take a break," Ben announced before rushing off.
"Well, there you go -- you scared him off," Jake snapped at Gabi. "No, you're the one that's scared -- [of] those results!" Gabi argued. "[You probably] paid somebody to give you the results you want," Jake guessed. "I would never do something like that -- [it] would be beneath me!" Gabi insisted. "Gabi, nothing is 'beneath' you," Jake countered. "[And] I look so much like your dead husband, and your great big bed is...well, empty...[so] maybe you really want a nice, warm body to lay next to -- or beneath -- you, [and] you think waving the DNA results will land --" Jake continued, earning a slap from Gabi.
"I don't want anything to do with you, 'Jake Lambert' -- I want my husband back!" Gabi insisted. "So, I'm going to that hospital, and I'm gonna get those results...and if you are not Stefan -- and that's a big 'if' -- I will never step foot in this place again, all right? But if you are...I will be back," Gabi stressed before storming off.
Jake gave the matter some thought then also rushed off, deciding that it would be wise to watch Gabi open the test results so they couldn't be changed when they inevitably disproved the theory about Stefan being alive.
Ben joined Ciara at the Salem Inn, and they took turns catching each other up on what had happened since their previous conversation. Ben remained suspicious of Claire but was nevertheless pleased to hear that Ciara had found the perfect wedding dress. Ciara remained skeptical of Gabi's theory but was nevertheless curious to find out if Jake really was Stefan -- and Ben guessed that Jake was curious, too.
Ready to focus on another matter, Ben started kissing Ciara -- who received a phone call from someone at the boutique before things could progress any further.
"What's wrong?" Ben asked after Ciara ended the call. "My dream wedding dress -- it's ruined! There are nail polish stains all over [it, and] they can't get them off!" Ciara replied, prompting Ben to soothingly predict that someone at the boutique would eventually figure out a way to fix the problem. "No, Ben -- it's completely destroyed!" Ciara fretted. "Well, maybe you can just get another one, [then] -- there's still time," Ben reasoned. "'Another one'? Ben, that was a one-of-a-kind dress! [And] I've tried on practically every gown in this town, and the wedding is so close..." Ciara countered.
"I just don't understand -- how could this happen?" Ciara wondered -- as Claire started painting a fingernail while lounging in the living room of the Evans-Black townhouse.
At Julie's Place, Vivian asked the stunned bride and groom and their equally stunned wedding guests, "Did you really think I'd miss this day -- a chance to give the bride my very best?"
"You're all complicit in this -- every one of you -- [for] celebrating the wedding of a killer to a callous bastard who exonerated her!" Vivian snapped. "But the only one who will pay the ultimate price is the woman who put a bullet in my son..." Vivian continued, producing a gun. "Look at your faces -- such disappointment, such horror... Oh, it's understandable; you thought you were coming to a wedding -- to a joyous event -- when, in fact, you're at an execution!" Vivian concluded, cocking the gun and aiming it at Lani with a scowl.
Eli protectively stepped in front of Lani, prompting Vivian to fire a warning shot at the ceiling. "I thought you were smarter than that," Vivian said to Eli, who reluctantly returned to Lani's side. "Vivian, I know you're mourning the loss of your son, but this is not the way to handle [it] --" Marlena advised. "It's the only way -- and you, of all people, Dr. Marlena Evans, should understand the psychology of vengeance," Vivian countered. "Ready to give your daughter away for keeps, Mr. Mayor?" Vivian asked Abe.
"Vivian, I almost lost my son to a bullet, [so] I understand your pain, [and] I know how hard forgiveness is, [but] this kind of revenge, it...it won't end your suffering --" Abe stressed. "Actually...I'm feeling pretty damn good right now," Vivian countered. "Vivian, I know that you hate me, blame me, and will never forgive me for what I did to your son, and I get that, and I am so sorry for your loss, and I deeply regret that I am the one who was responsible for it...[but] please think about what you are doing, [because] I'm pregnant, so you wouldn't just be killing me [but also] my unborn child," Lani warned.
"You dare to ask me for anything? You took my son from me! You think that empty words and excuses are gonna save your sorry soul?" Vivian spat before again cocking the gun and aiming it at Lani with a scowl -- just as Rafe suddenly appeared and grabbed the weapon, having been summoned to the restaurant via an urgent text message that Eli had discreetly composed and sent while Vivian had been focused on Marlena, Abe, and Lani.
"This isn't over! You think you've won? You think you're safe? You'll never be safe -- I'll find you and send you to hell!" Vivian warned Lani. "Just shut up [and listen, Vivian] -- you almost murdered someone for no reason, [because] it appears as though your son might actually be alive!" Rafe revealed, stunning Vivian, who begged for more details. "Down at the station," Rafe promised before escorting Vivian out of the restaurant.
"I don't think I'm gonna book weddings here anymore -- they don't seem to go well..." Julie admitted with a sigh.
Lani was unsure about resuming the wedding ceremony, given everything that had happened. "If I could just get some sort of sign..." Lani fretted -- just as Billy returned with Tamara, who was feeling better. "Looks like you got your sign," Eli observed, and Lani nodded in agreement. "[Then] why don't we pick up where we left off," Marlena suggested, and everyone else eagerly concurred, ready for the exchanging of the vows.
"Lani, we have been through so much these past two years -- hell, these past few hours..." Eli began, drawing laughter from Lani and the others. "Oh, that's funny?" Eli realized with a grin, proud to have inadvertently managed to lighten the mood. "Lani, I will never regret one second of our life or our love," Eli continued.
"We fell in love because of the child that we shared and lost, David Abraham, and we will love him and remember him every single day...and we will also make sure that his little brother or his little sister [will] know how brave and beautiful he was -- like his mother. Last time we were here, Lani, you sacrificed everything that was dear to you to save my grandmother's life -- you even let me blame you for breaking my heart, when the truth is [that] your heart was breaking, too -- but you don't have to sacrifice anymore, because you will never be alone again. Lani, I love you, and I can't wait to be your husband -- now and forever," Eli concluded.
"Eli, you are the love of my life and my dream come true," Lani began, grasping Eli's hands.
"It took every bit of strength that I had in me to walk away from you that day, and I never got to say the vows that I wanted to say...but I knew that I could never live with myself if I didn't do everything that I could to save your grandmother, because I love who you love -- your friends are my friends, your family, my family. David Abraham will always be a part of us, but our heartbreak over losing him will only make us appreciate [and] care more deeply for the new child that we are about to bring into this world -- a world that you make bigger and brighter every day," Lani continued.
"Eli, you are my world, you are my everything, you are the best person that I know... I love your kindness, your gentleness, your humor... You make me feel so special and safe, and I promise that I will be the best wife to you and mother to our child. Eli, you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and I can't wait to love you for the rest of my life," Lani concluded.
Marlena walked Eli and Lani through the exchanging of the rings then pronounced them husband and wife -- finally.
EDITOR'S NOTE: With this episode, Eli and Lani become the first Black couple to get married on-screen in the 55-year history of Days of our Lives.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Christine and Paul are married (1996)
Thursday, July 2, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired weeks devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on Paul and Christine Williams' love story -- with episodes dating back to 1994. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired August 7, 1996. In the episode, Christine and Paul walked down the aisle.
In her room, and still dressed in her robe, Christine looked into the full-length mirror, smiled, and said, "It's my wedding day." Nina arrived and said that Christine was the most beautiful bride she'd ever seen; Christine was glowing. Christine said she didn't want anything to go wrong because it had taken her and Paul so long to get to their wedding day. Christine was afraid something would go wrong, but Nina assured her that nothing would.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

ENCORE PRESENTATION: Paul and Michael rescue Christine
Friday, July 3, 2020
by Soap Central
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, The Young and the Restless began broadcasting special throwback episodes until it was safe for the cast and crew to return to work. As a treat to viewers, CBS aired weeks devoted to iconic characters or episodes curated to fit a special theme. This week focused on Paul and Christine Williams' love story -- with episodes dating back to 1994. A complete list of episodes that aired during this week can be found here.
This episode originally aired August 15, 2003. In the episode, Paul arrived to find a dazed Isabella claimed that Christine had died of a drug overdose.
As Paul headed back toward the bedroom, Isabella opened the door. Shocked to see his supposedly dead wife, Paul asked where Christine was. Isabella tried to give him her fabricated story about where she'd been, but Paul angrily grabbed her and again demanded to know Christine's whereabouts. Isabella fibbed that she had gone there to find him, but she had instead found Christine dead from an overdose of sleeping pills. Paul hit Isabella, knocking her to the bed. He ran into the bathroom and pulled Christine from the tub.
You can read the full recap of that episode here or in our Daily Recaps Archive, which has comprehensive Daily Recaps for The Young and the Restless dating back to the show's first episode in 1973.

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