Jada is puzzled by Everett's behavior

Days of our Lives Recap for Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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Days of our Lives Daily Recaps (Tuesday, July 23, 2024)
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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kristen was working in her office at DiMera Enterprises when Ava walked in. "I heard about your encounter at the pub yesterday," Kristen asked. "I knew I should have said something to you," Ava muttered. Ava asked Kristen how she had learned about what had happened. "Gabi left a message last night," Kristen said. "Gabi?" Ava said. Kristen explained that Gabi had told her that she had pitched a reboot of Gabi Chic to Ava.

"Why didn't you tell me about this offer?" Kristen asked. "Because it's a terrible idea," Ava said. Ava reminded Kristen that Gabi did not know that Ava had slept with Stefan. "She hates me. There is no way I'm going to be sitting side by side next to her," Ava argued. Kristen smiled. "Actually, that's exactly what you are going to do," Kristen said. Kristen noted that Gabi Chic was an important asset to the company.

"And it will give us a chance to compete with Basic Black," Kristen added. Ava smirked. "So, this is about Brady," Ava said. Kristen argued that, unlike Ava, she did not let her personal feelings prevent her from pursuing a good business opportunity. "I want you to track [Gabi] down and get her to sign with us today -- before she changes her mind," Kristen ordered. Ava reminded Kristen that Rafe was in a coma, and Kristen shrugged.

"You and I both know that [Gabi] has no problem setting aside her emotions in order to get what she wants," Kristen said. Kristen added that if Ava wanted to keep her job, she needed to get over her hesitancy to work with Gabi. "I will make her an offer today," Ava said. Kristen handed a contract to Ava for Gabi's signature. "For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea," Ava said. "For the record, I don't care," Kristen countered.

At the pub, Bobby read a story about the attack on Rafe. "Sorry, Commish. I didn't think crazy Connie would take it that far. Nothing I can do about it now. And I see no reason to waste this golden opportunity to get closer with Jada," Bobby murmured. Bobby noted that he needed to leave for the hospital. "Everett?" Stephanie said. Bobby was stunned.

"Did you say you were heading over to the hospital?" Stephanie asked. Bobby nodded yes, and he said he was going to therapy. Bobby lied and said that he had been making progress. "I'm so glad to hear that," Stephanie said. "Well, don't get too excited. I don't want you to think we're getting back together," Bobby said. Stephanie looked disappointed, and she said she had not thought that. With a nod, Bobby walked out.

At the DiMera mansion, Gabi crept around her bedroom as Stefan slept. Stefan woke up, and Gabi apologized. "I just needed my rosary before I headed back to the hospital to see my brother," Gabi explained. "How's he doing?" Stefan asked. Gabi confirmed that Rafe was still in a coma. Tired, Gabi told Stefan that she did not have the energy to fight.

"I don't want to fight with you, either. I just need you to stop pushing me away," Stefan said. Gabi attempted to walk past Stefan, but he stopped her. "I didn't say a word when you told me not to come to the hospital last night and certainly not when you decided to move out of our room. But now I need you to stop being so stubborn and let me be there for you," Stefan pleaded. Gabi asked Stefan if he was still mad at her for having exposed E.J.

"All that matters now is that your brother is fighting for his life. So, please, let me help you through this," Stefan said. With tears in her eyes, Gabi whispered, "I'm scared I'm gonna lose him." Stefan hugged Gabi as she cried. After a moment, Gabi noted that she was not used to her big brother being helpless. Stefan asked about the assailant, and Gabi noted that there were no suspects yet.

"I just keep thinking about the way it happened; stabbed in the back," Gabi said. "Like Li," Stefan noted. Gabi nodded yes. "What if there is a connection?" Gabi said. Gabi informed Stefan that Everett's alter, Bobby, had hinted that there was an unknown killer. "Do you think he's telling the truth?" Stefan asked. Gabi shrugged. "But if he is, that means that the person that murdered Li is still out there," Gabi noted. Stefan reminded Gabi that Rafe had believed that Gil was the killer.

"Maybe this is just some horrible coincidence?" Stefan suggested. "Maybe. All I know is I just want my big brother back," Gabi said. Gabi hugged Stefan, and she thanked him. "I know I've been trying to push you away. But it feels really good to have you here with me," Gabi whispered. "I will always be here for you, whenever you need me," Stefan said. Gabi asked Stefan to make love to her.

After Gabi and Stefan made love, Gabi apologized for having caused problems with E.J. "How do I know you actually mean it?" Stefan asked. "Well, I'm not sorry Eric got his kid back. And yes, it was very satisfying to screw your brother over after he sent me to prison. But I'm sorry I betrayed your trust. I really am," Gabi said. Stefan accepted Gabi's apology. "I'm sorry I got so mad at you," Stefan said. Stefan admitted that he had been foolish to let his anger divide them after their long separation.

"You were hurt. And I don't blame you," Gabi said. Stefan sighed. "When it comes to other people, we can lie, cheat, steal. But you and I need to be able to trust each other," Gabi said. Gabi took Stefan's hand in hers, and she swore to never keep a secret from him again. "From now on, honesty and trust," Gabi said. "Honesty and trust," Stefan agreed.

In Rafe's hospital room, Jada held Rafe's hand as she sat by his bedside. Kayla encouraged Jada to go home and sleep, but Jada refused. Jada admitted that she was scared to leave Rafe's side. "You can't think that way. He's a fighter. You know that," Kayla said. "But the machines, they're still breathing for him. And there is no sign that he is getting any better," Jada said. "That doesn't mean that he won't," Kayla said. Jada asked Kayla to give her an honest assessment about Rafe's chances.

"There really is no way of knowing," Kayla said. Kayla reminded Jada that Rafe had been attacked before and had survived. Jada was surprised to learn about the prior attack. "Things looked pretty dire back then, but Rafe had a strong spirit," Kayla said. Kayla noted that there was no reason to believe that Rafe would not pull through. "I hope you're right. Because he has a lot left to do in this world," Jada said.

After Kayla left, Jada resumed her vigil. "I know that you deserve a little rest, but I'm going to need you to wake up. Not just for me, but for everyone at the department. For your friends. Your family. Gabi. I want you to know that the whole community is praying for you. I hope you can feel that. I hope you know how much I love you," Jada said. Jada told Rafe that their time together had been the happiest of her life.

"We have a whole lifetime of happiness ahead of us," Jada said. Jada pleaded with Rafe to wake up and help her find his assailant. Bobby appeared in the doorway, and he watched Jada kiss Rafe's hand and weep. Bobby gently knocked on the door. "Everett. What are you doing here?" Jada said. "Everett" said that he was sorry to hear the news about Rafe. When Bobby asked about Rafe's status, Jada explained that Rafe might never wake up.

"That's terrible. Do the police have any leads?" Bobby asked. Jada noted that the police had processed the scene, but there were no leads yet. Bobby feigned empathy, and he offered his assistance to Jada if she needed anything from the staff at the paper. "Thanks, but I think it's best that the police handle this," Jada said. "Everett" told Jada that he was there to support her.

Confused, Jada noted that she and Everett barely knew one another. "True. But I was in a coma for a year, so I have a lot of sympathy for the situation," Bobby said. Jada told "Everett" that she did not want to interfere with Everett's attempts to get his life back on track. "You could never be [an imposition]," Bobby whispered. Jada turned, and Bobby leaned away.

"The truth is, you know, I've been continuing my outpatient therapy with Dr. Evans and the integration process has been like, really successful so far," Bobby said. "That's great," Jada said. "Everett" explained that his therapy had made him realize that Bobby was part of his identity. "Already?" Jada said. "I've got a long way to go, but yeah. I don't know, like, I think I'm starting to remember some of Bobby's life," Bobby said. Jada asked "Everett" if he had any memories about Li's murder. Bobby said no.

"And just to clarify what I said before about remembering Bobby's life, I meant I'm starting to feel what he's feeling now, especially when it comes to you," Bobby said. Bobby placed his hand on Jada's shoulder, and she gently pushed it off. "If you're suggesting that you're developing feelings for me," Jada started. Bobby said no. "I know that Bobby really cared about you. And I guess I'm starting to feel that affection. I just wanted to come and offer my support. As a friend," "Everett" said. With a nod, Jada noted that the important thing was for Everett to get healthy.

When Jada noted that she was hungry, Bobby offered to get her takeout. "No, I could use the fresh air," Jada said. "I understand. If you need anything, just call. I'm just trying to busy myself other than work. I'm just trying to stay busy now that I'm alone," Bobby said. Jada raised an eyebrow. "What about Stephanie?" Jada asked. "We're not seeing each other anymore. That had to end," Bobby said. Bobby walked out.

Connie was cutting vegetables in her apartment as she talked to her imaginary version of Li. "I wore gloves. No one is ever going to know it was me," Connie said. "Unless Rafe wakes up from his coma," Li countered. Connie said she did not believe that Rafe would recover. "And if he does?" Li asked. Connie noted that she had attacked Rafe from behind. Li called Connie cold-hearted. Connie argued that she had had no choice but to help Bobby.

"What if Bobby doesn't hold up his end of the bargain?" Li asked. "What reason does Bobby have to double-cross me?" Connie countered. Li noted that Bobby might identify Connie as the killer in an effort to ingratiate himself to Jada. "This plan of yours could possibly just blow up in your face," Li said. Connie said she was not worried. "[Bobby] is shrewd," Connie said. "So is Jada Hunter. And Bobby's her ex. What if she figures out he is faking?" Li asked. Connie dismissed the possibility.

"I hope so. Because if [Bobby] is caught, Bobby will have no reason not to throw you under the bus," Li said. After a moment, Connie admitted that Bobby was a liability. "I guess if it comes to it, I'll have to get him out of the way. Just like I did the commish," Connie said.

At the hospital, Ava stopped Gabi in the hallway. "I know this is a really bad time. I'm very sorry about Rafe," Ava said. "Sorry you're not the one who did it?" Gabi countered. Ava gaped. Ava argued that despite the way her relationship with Rafe had ended, she cared about him. "So, what do you want?" Gabi asked. Ava explained that she had talked to Kristen, and they had agreed that they wanted Gabi to revive Gabi Chic at DiMera.

"Kristen forced you to come to me, huh? It couldn't have been easy for you," Gabi said. "Look, we completely understand if you need to concentrate on your brother right now, but it is a standing offer, so if you'd like to take a few months," Ava said. Gabi shook her head, and she noted that the doctors did not know when Rafe would recover. "Jumping in at Gabi Chic would be a welcome distraction," Gabi said. Gabi noted that in her last conversation with Rafe, he had encouraged her to get her life back on track.

"It's almost like he gave me his blessing," Gabi said. Ava handed Gabi the contract, and Gabi reviewed it. "Feel free to have your lawyers take a look at it," Ava said. Gabi noted that as CEO at DiMera, she had reviewed similar contracts. "Seems pretty standard," Gabi noted. Ava asked Gabi if she was ready to dedicate all her time to the company. "Are you trying to talk me out of this?" Gabi asked. Ava said no, but she was concerned about Gabi's focus on Rafe.

"You're worried I might not be up for it," Gabi said. "I didn't say that," Ava protested. Gabi assured Ava that if she could run DiMera, she could handle the workload of her brand. Gabi signed the contract. "I know you have your personal doubts, but I can promise you that neither one of us are going to regret working together," Gabi said.

In Kristen's office at DiMera Enterprises, Stefan signed paperwork. Stefan noted that he was eager to leave before he ran into Ava. Kristen told Stefan not to worry. "[Ava] is off trying to convince your wife to bring Gabi Chic back to DiMera," Kristen announced. "Why the hell would you do that?" Stefan asked. Kristen explained that it had been Gabi's idea. "But she didn't realize that she'd be working with the woman who slept with her husband," Stefan said.

"It's good for business," Kristen stressed. Stefan asked Kristen if she wanted to get back at him and Gabi. "You mean [for] the way you made it look like I was abusing my own daughter?" Kristen countered. Stefan nodded yes. Kristen said she was willing to let go of the past, because she and Stefan were united against E.J. Kristen assured Stefan that she was not going to tell Gabi about Stefan's fling.

"I wouldn't do that to Ava," Kristen said. "What about Ava?" Ava asked as she walked in. Kristen explained that she had informed Stefan about Ava's work with Gabi. "It's a done deal," Ava said as she placed the contract on Kristen's desk.

At the pub, Kayla and Stephanie chatted over breakfast. "I really thought that [Theresa] had turned a corner," Kayla said. Stephanie agreed. Stephanie told Kayla that she had comforted Alex after the wedding, but he had been a mess. Kayla asked about the possibility of Stephanie rekindling her romance with Alex, and Stephanie stressed that their romantic connection was in the past.

"That's right. You and Everett are back together now that he's been released from Bayview, right?" Kayla said. "Actually, that's history, too," Stephanie noted. Stephanie explained that Everett had told her that he was not ready for a serious relationship. "That's understandable. He might just want to focus on his mental health," Kayla said. Stephanie agreed, and she noted that she was disappointed.

"Everett is a great guy, and I'm going to miss him. Even if it seems he won't miss me," Stephanie said. Stephanie explained that Everett had been happy to end things. "What are you talking about?" Kayla asked. Stephanie told Kayla about her conversation with Everett before Kayla had arrived. "He was so dismissive. So cold," Stephanie said. Kayla encouraged Stephanie not to take Everett's behavior personally.

"I'm sure it is just really disorienting to be back, you know?" Kayla said. Stephanie agreed. "I'm glad that Everett is himself again. He deserves to live a life he chooses for himself," Stephanie said. Kayla expressed her pride in Stephanie. With a groan, Kayla noted that her break was over.

When Stephanie exited the pub, she ran into Jada. "I'm so sorry about Rafe. How are you holding up?" Stephanie asked. Jada said she was okay. Jada mentioned that Everett had told her about his breakup with Stephanie. "I'm surprised he told you about that, considering all you're going through," Stephanie said. "Well, he was acting very weird," Jada said. Stephanie asked for details.

"He just wasn't acting like himself at all," Jada said. Stephanie gasped, and she locked eyes with Jada. "Do you think it's possible?" Stephanie asked. "That Everett really isn't Everett? Yeah, I do," Jada said.

At the hospital, Kayla ran into "Everett." "I was so glad to hear about your breakthrough and that you're doing better," Kayla said. Bobby fidgeted and looked around. "I am. Thank you," Bobby said. Bobby started to walk away, but Kayla asked to talk about Stephanie.

"I'm sure she told you; I really need to focus on my recovery," Bobby said. "Yeah, but she was also very upset about how dismissive you were with her earlier," Kayla said. Kayla said that although it was none of her business, she asked if "Everett" could be more sensitive to Stephanie's feelings in the future. "You're absolutely right. It is none of your business," Bobby said. Bobby stared coldly at Kayla.

Down the hallway, Connie crept into Rafe's hospital room, and with a gloved hand, she reached for the ventilator. Gabi opened the door, and Connie pulled her hand back. "What are you doing in here?" Gabi asked.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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