Revenge recap: Madness (Janary 11, 2015)

Posted Sunday, January 11, 2015 11:26:46 PM
Revenge recap: Madness (January 11, 2015)

David finally decides to settle his debt to Victoria while Emily helps Nolan with a takedown of his own.

Previous recap: Epitaph (January 4)

In 2003, David had been writing in his journal in the prison yard when he'd been stabbed by the white-haired man. During the ambulance ride, David had regained consciousness and had heard someone ask if he would make it, since the mastermind behind Flight 197 was wanted alive. David had weakly protested that he hadn't been responsible for the crash, and a man had informed him that Conrad had intended to kill David. David had asked who the man worked for, and the man had answered, "The same as you now."

Victoria noted that David hadn't made it to bed the night before, and he acknowledged that he owed her everything for lying about how Daniel had died. She remarked that the irony was that she'd still lost David, and David countered that she'd betrayed him. Victoria defended that she'd made desperate choices to save her son, but Daniel was gone anyway. She didn't expect David's forgiveness when she couldn't forgive herself, and she requested a couple of hours to go through Daniel's things. David suggested that they go to the lighthouse in Montauk that night to talk, and she agreed, fondly recalling that it had been their old rendezvous spot.

David stopped by the manor at Emily's request, and Emily wondered why Victoria was still at the beach house, despite David's plan to kill Victoria. David revealed that he'd plotted to make Victoria's death look like a suicide at the lighthouse, and Emily said she'd sacrificed her whole life for that moment, but she preferred that she and David leave town together instead. Emily requested a week to tie up loose ends, and he kissed her forehead. He recalled that they'd thought the place had been heaven when they'd moved there, but she replied that the devil could have it.

Victoria opened a keepsake box, and she found old photos of her with baby Daniel. She answered a call from David, who admitted his mind was still all over the place, and he surmised she needed more time with Daniel's memories. She said she understood that David wanted to be with his daughter, and she and David couldn't force things between them. David thanked her and said he'd call later, and they hung up.

Louise warmly greeted her brother, Lyman, and Nolan considered it an honor to have a future congressman grace his club. Louise assumed Lyman was there to scold her because of the press about their father's death, but Lyman replied that it was time for her to get back home to Savannah. Nolan took the blame for gossiping to the wrong person, and he suggested that he make a donation to Lyman's campaign over dinner. Lyman gratefully accepted Nolan's apology and contribution.

Later, Louise prepared for a tennis match with her brother, and she informed Nolan that Lyman was getting ready on her yacht. Nolan surmised that Lyman's reference to taking Louise home had really been code for a stint in a mental facility, and he offered to convince Lyman that she shouldn't leave. Emily entered, and Nolan introduced her to Louise as his other partner in crime. Louise expressed her condolences to Emily about Daniel, and she left to reserve a court. Nolan asked if Emily was okay, and she said she was better after talking David out of killing Victoria, since death had never been her intention.

Emily lamented that too much blood had been shed, and for her father's sake as well as her own, she intended to leave the Hamptons. Nolan marveled that she would finally get her happy ending, even though he would really miss her. She pointed out that he was already hobnobbing with hot redheads, and he assured her that gentlemen preferred blondes. He explained that he was helping Louise deal with her brother after the fallout from the Lemarchal article, and he hoped all would be forgiven with a political donation. Nolan mentioned that Louise had seemed scared of Lyman, and he invited Emily to join them for dinner. He speculated that Lyman could become Emily's farewell takedown.

Jack waved goodbye to Carl and the nanny, and Malcolm approached and introduced himself as Douglas Taylor, Kate's father. Jack asked how he could help, and Malcolm mentioned the vacation Kate had supposedly taken. Jack said the case they'd been working on had wrapped up days before, and he imagined that Kate had taken some time off to explore the area. Malcolm grumbled that she "sure as hell" hadn't gone to Miami, and he stared at Carl through the window and asked if Jack was a father. Malcolm ominously stated that the worry never ended, and he advised Jack to protect his son while he could. Malcolm stepped into a waiting limousine and drove off, and a panicked Jack made a call and said they had a problem.

Jack informed David about Malcolm's visit, and David concluded that Malcolm had realized the trail leading to Miami had been a trap. Jack worried that Malcolm knew Jack had a son, so he'd sent Carl to stay with cousins while they sorted things out. David instructed Jack to proceed as normal and not to call him again, since Malcolm would trace the number. David added not to go near Emily, since Malcolm thought Amanda was dead, and they needed to keep it that way.

Margaux stopped by the beach house at Victoria's request, and Victoria presented Margaux with the box of Daniel's childhood mementos. As Margaux looked through it, she said every morning she woke up and felt happy for a brief moment, but remembering what had happened was the worst part of her day. Victoria promised that they would get through it together as family, but Margaux questioned how she was supposed to tell her child that its father had died while assaulting an innocent woman. Victoria asserted that Daniel's death wouldn't be how they'd remember his life, and she suggested Margaux pass Daniel's things along to her baby. Margaux huffed that the only thing she wanted to give her child was the truth, and she slammed the box down on the table and stormed out.

Ben and Emily walked on the beach, and he asked how she was holding up. She apologized for getting emotional in the interrogation room, and he assured her that the investigation was closed. He mentioned that he had a meeting to talk about a promotion that day, and she said it was long overdue. Ben reminded Emily that she still owed him a date, and she replied that she'd like that, but she might be heading out of town soon. He suggested they get together when she returned, but she remained silent.

Louise and Lyman bickered on the club patio, and he lectured that he'd found a half-full bottle of medication, so she had been endangering everyone around her by not taking her pills. As Emily stumbled upon the conversation, Lyman wondered if Nolan knew about Louise's violent tendencies, and Louise swore she'd never hurt anyone. Lyman ranted that she wasn't stable, so it was time for her to go home, or he would tell her friends exactly why she could go to prison.

Emily found Nolan choosing something to wear for dinner, and she informed him that she'd overheard Louise and Lyman arguing. Nolan reported that Louise had called him about it, and he intended to talk to Lyman about it that night. Emily asked if he'd known Louise had been institutionalized, and Nolan pointedly reminded her that the facility had a history of confining sane people against their will. Emily relayed that she'd heard Lyman mention Louise's violent nature, and Nolan referred to the incident where Louise had allegedly locked Margaux in the steam room.

Emily asked if Nolan knew anything about what could send Louise to jail, and Nolan admitted he'd hacked into Louise's criminal file, but he'd wanted to maintain her privacy. Emily crossed over to his computer and looked up the file, and she learned Louise's ex-roommate had ended up in a coma, but Louise's family had managed to have the records sealed. Emily wondered why Nolan was turning a blind eye to how dangerous Louise could be, and Nolan argued that Louise was a good person who'd had a hard life. Nolan pointed out that he'd gone along with Emily's hunches many times, and he asked her to support his instincts about Louise and Lyman.

While on duty, Ben told Jack that Chief Alvarez had blown off their meeting about a promotion, and he groused that their boss was messing with him. Jack was preoccupied with his phone, trying to check in on Carl, and Ben wondered why Jack hadn't taken the personal days he'd requested. Margaux tried to reach Ben, who ignored her incoming call and divulged that she was driven to prove Emily hadn't killed Daniel in self-defense. Ben declared that there was no way Emily was a killer, and a radio dispatcher requested that available officers check Alvarez's house.

David called Malcolm and directed that if Malcolm wanted to see his daughter again, he'd do what David said. Malcolm snarled that David was out of his league, and he menacingly asked if David had dared to harm Kate, but David insisted she was fine. David recalled how Malcolm had responded when David had asked Malcolm the same question about Amanda, and in a flashback, Malcolm had tormented David with the news that Amanda had found employment at a strip club. Malcolm had displayed photos he'd taken, and he'd crowed that he'd stayed for the whole show.

David had flown into a rage and had demanded to get out, but Malcolm had asked where David would go, since David had been a wanted man, and Malcolm had saved his life. Malcolm had coldly said that the photos were a reminder that every second David had worked for him, David had been saving Amanda's life. David blamed Malcolm for never having had the chance to say goodbye to his daughter, and he hissed that it was time to return the favor. Malcolm threatened Victoria and Carl, but David inquired whether they were worth Kate's life. David said he'd send a location to meet that night, and he instructed Malcolm to leave the country and never contact him again, or he'd send the authorities the flash drive.

Jack told David that Alvarez had never shown up, and David said he wouldn't put anything past Malcolm. David relayed that he'd told Malcolm he had Kate, and Jack fretted about what would happen if Malcolm found out she was dead, but David swore Malcolm wouldn't. David explained that he was telling Jack about his plan so Jack could let Emily know if anything happened to David, and Nolan knew where to find the evidence that David had accumulated against Malcolm if things went south. Jack volunteered to turn the incriminating details over to the Feds, but David said everyone bent the rules when it suited them -- even Jack.

At the yacht club, Lyman asked if Nolan had twisted Emily's arm to attend, and she cooed that he was just weeks away from being elected. Lyman stepped aside to take a call, and Nolan told Emily that he hadn't been able to determine whether Lyman deserved a brother-of-the-year award or the red Sharpie. Emily said it was too early to tell, and Nolan mentioned that a nervous Louise was freshening up. Emily entered the ladies' room, and Louise jumped when Emily addressed her, spilling a bottle of pills.

A mortified Louise explained that Xanax calmed her nerves, and Emily quipped that half of the Hamptons was on it. Emily inquired how long Louise had taken the medication, and Louise replied that she'd started after her father had died. Louise added that the pills made the pain disappear, and she wished it could make her family do the same thing. Emily recognized that having a brother in the political spotlight could be intimidating, and Louise commented that people loved Lyman, but everyone had two faces. Louise hoped that Emily wouldn't judge her, and Emily assured her that any friend of Nolan's was one of hers. Emily eyed some stray pills on the counter.

Over dinner, Lyman rattled off statistics about mental illness, and Louise asked him to give it a rest for one night. Nolan agreed they'd all earned a night off, and he handed Lyman a check. Lyman expressed his appreciation but contended that mental problems were an issue close to his heart, since his father hadn't been well. Louise had a vision of her disapproving mother sitting at the table, and Lyman mentioned that Louise had gone through an ordeal when she'd found their father dead, so she needed supervision.

Louise envisioned her mother snarling that Louise needed to locked up for the rest of her life, and Louise hissed to stop trying to embarrass her in front of her friends. Lyman said it was a serious situation, and Nolan calmly tried to assure Louise it was okay, but Louise imagined her mother calling her a waste of life. Louise screamed to shut up, and she lashed out and accidentally smacked Nolan. Louise whimpered that she was sorry, and Lyman quickly escorted Louise out. Nolan guessed Emily had been right, but Emily replied that Nolan's instincts about Lyman had been on target.

Later, Emily and Nolan stopped by to check on Louise, who blankly stated that she needed to be home under a doctor's care. Nolan proclaimed that it was the last place Louise needed to be, and Emily asked if the family doctor had sent Louise's medication to her. Emily explained that she had taken one of Louise's pills to a pharmacist friend to take a look, and Louise's pills had been compounded with an anti-malarial drug that could cause paranoid delusions and aggression. Nolan concluded that Louise's family had been drugging her, but he wondered what they had to gain by her acting crazy.

Louise revealed that her mom controlled Louise's inheritance, and her mother had burned through her own money by financing Lyman's campaign. Emily said the drug could have killed Louise, but Louise wanted to keep her family's skeletons in the closet. Louise expressed her gratitude for saving her life and sanity, but Emily spotted the photo of herself on Louise's table and asked what it was. Louise explained that she'd found it at Nolan's house upon Victoria's request, and Nolan realized it had been among Kate's belongings. Emily knew exactly what that meant.

Nolan summoned Lyman to his home, and Lyman apologized for Louise's behavior. Lyman added that it had broken his heart to see her like that, but Nolan refused to let Lyman slink out of town, thinking he'd won. Nolan accused Lyman of poisoning his own sister, and he revealed that he knew her pills had been laced with a drug that had caused panic attacks and hallucinations. Lyman offered to speak to her doctor, but Nolan dictated that Louise would stay in the Hamptons. Nolan dared Lyman to challenge him, since Lyman wouldn't be the first politician whose career Nolan had ruined, and he ordered Lyman to get out.

At the police station, Ben left a message for Emily, asking to meet up with her if she was free that night. Margaux overheard, and she figured that he'd ignored her calls because he'd been too busy wooing Emily. Ben reiterated that the case was closed, but Margaux wondered if Emily's testimony would be considered invalid if his superiors found out he and Emily were dating. She ranted that the town had gone mad to accept Emily's word as gospel, but she got woozy as she turned to walk away, and she fell to the floor. Ben yelled for an ambulance.

At the hospital, a bedridden Margaux said she didn't need Ben to stay, and he headed out to get some coffee. The doctor informed Margaux that her baby was healthy but that she needed to avoid stress, and she encouraged Margaux to lean on family. Victoria appeared in the doorway, and the doctor suggested that Margaux stay the night to get some rest. Victoria said she'd heard about Margaux's collapse, and Margaux retorted that the stress she needed to avoid included Victoria. Victoria countered that Margaux needed people to support her, and she promised to be there for Margaux.

Victoria acknowledged that she'd made a mistake by keeping the truth from Margaux, but she asked Margaux to promise to keep it in the family. Margaux agreed, and Victoria confided that Daniel had died trying to save Emily. Victoria maintained that Emily had ruined Daniel, and the beginning of the story started with a damaged girl named Amanda Clarke, who was also Emily Thorne. Ben eavesdropped from the corridor. Later, Margaux slept, and a dozing Victoria was awakened by a text message from David, asking her to meet him.

David waited for Malcolm at their designated meeting point, but he was surprised when Jack showed up. Jack explained that he hadn't been able to let David go through with it, since the best-case scenario was that Malcolm would go after Jack once David was gone, and Jack didn't have the option to leave town. David said that Jack didn't know what Malcolm had made David do, and he recounted that he'd once convinced the guards to deliver a letter to Amanda, but Malcolm had intercepted it. In a flashback, Malcolm's minions had dragged a man into the room, and Malcolm had forced David to choose between the man's life or Amanda's. David had known that Malcolm had only kept him alive because he'd believed David was a criminal, and Malcolm would have killed David if he'd suspected otherwise, so David had stabbed the man.

David hissed that Conrad had ruined his life, but Malcolm had "damned [his] soul to hell," and he wouldn't be free until Malcolm was dead. Jack said it was too late, and a car approached. Jack divulged that Nolan had given him the code to the safe, and he'd turned in the flash drive anonymously, so the authorities were waiting for Malcolm outside. As Malcolm was arrested, Jack declared that there was enough evidence to put Malcolm away for the rest of his life, and David could live the rest of his own. David barked that Jack had no idea how wrong he was.

Jack arrived at the police station, and a fellow officer wondered why Jack was there when he was off-duty. Jack mentioned that a man had been arrested, and the cop relayed that the suspect had been released due to lack of evidence, so someone's head was bound to roll.

Victoria called out for David at the lighthouse, and Emily appeared. Victoria realized Emily had sent the text message, and she coldly asked what Emily wanted. Emily said she'd accepted that Victoria blamed Daniel's death on her, and Victoria spat that Emily had seduced and used Daniel like he'd meant nothing. Emily revealed that she'd seen the photo Victoria had instructed Louise to steal, and she pointed out that Kate had been there because of Victoria, so Victoria had been responsible for Daniel's death.

Victoria tried to defend her actions, but Emily ordered her to save her breath to run from David, since Emily wouldn't be able to stop him once he found out what Victoria had done. Victoria growled that she'd rather die than have Emily save her, and both women suddenly sank to the ground when they were hit by some kind of projectiles. As the ladies began to lose consciousness, Malcolm appeared and taunted that he'd expected to find David there, but he sinisterly caressed Emily's face and said he'd found something better -- Amanda Clarke. Previous recap: Epitaph (January 4)

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