Chanel exhibits signs of radiation poisoning

Days of our Lives Recap for Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Paulina sat behind the desk in her office and gleefully told Abe on the phone that Kayla had confirmed that she was radiation free. As Paulina ended her call, Chad entered the office. "What brings you here?" Paulina asked. Chad asked to discuss a tip sent to the paper.

"This person claims that you abused your power as mayor and put the public health at risk," Chad said. With a smirk, Paulina asked if the tip had come from E.J., because he had used the same language with her. "Did E.J. ask you to publish a hit piece on me?" Paulina asked. Chad shifted uncomfortably.

"I haven't spoken to him in quite some time," Chad said. Chad explained that he wanted to skip the gossip and hear directly from Paulina about what had happened at Smith Island. Paulina noted that her daughter had gone missing in a snowstorm. "You left the hospital against your doctor's advice and illegally commandeered a snowplow to try to find her," Chad said. Paulina stared at Chad. Chad asked for Paulina's side of the story on the record.

"Whoever you got this tip from, I can guarantee you it's all been blown out of proportion," Paulina said. "Really? Because I heard the firefighters had to wear Hazmat suits to protect themselves from the dangers of the radiation," Chad countered. Paulina called the responders ill informed. Frustrated, Chad told Paulina that he knew she had been warned about the dangers of being in close proximity to people before her radiation levels had fallen. "They weren't down. The firefighters checked," Chad said. Chad noted that Paulina had returned to the hospital in a Hazmat suit.

"My numbers were going down. I felt the risk was minimal," Paulina said. "Then why didn't you notify anyone that you were leaving the hospital?" Chad asked. When Paulina remained silent, Chad said he had talked directly to the city employee that Paulina had strong-armed into giving her the snowplow. "How did you know how to drive it?" Chad asked. Paulina explained that she had driven bulldozers in her previous business, and a snowplow was not different.

"So, then you don't deny that it happened?" Chad asked. Paulina started to complain about E.J., but Chad argued that the D.A. did not matter. "No one is eager to slander you. The fact is, you left the hospital against medical advice, and you hijacked a snowplow. Somebody could have been seriously hurt. Now, I know you say you have experience on how to operate that vehicle, but you were in no shape to do so at that time. Not to mention, you don't have a license," Chad argued. Chad added that there had been no guarantee that Paulina would have found Chanel or that Paulina would not have been killed in the search.

"But it didn't turn out that way. Chanel is safe, and I'm doing just fine," Paulina countered. Chad said the outcome was a relief, but Paulina had known it was dangerous to be around people while she had been radioactive. "There is not a parent in the world who would not have done the same thing that I did," Paulina argued. When Paulina asked Chad if he would have done the same thing for his children, Chad called the question unfair.

"You know very well you would do the exact same thing I did, regardless of whether or not you put others at risk. Very minimal risk," Paulina said. "Minimal? Are you sure?" Chad countered. Paulina confirmed that no one had suffered any ill effects. "If you want to write a fair and balanced article about this, why don't you ask my daughter Chanel if she'd rather have been left to freeze in the snow?" Paulina asked.

In the pub, Everett thought about his last session with Marlena and how unnerved he had been by it. Marlena walked into the restaurant and said hello. "Would you mind if I join you?" Marlena asked. Everett said he did not have time to chat. "It won't take long," Marlena said as she sat at the table. Everett shut his laptop in frustration. Marlena asked Everett if he had changed his mind about giving up hypnosis.

"No," Everett said. Marlena nodded, then she asked, "Why did you lie to Stephanie?" Everett explained that he had not wanted to make Marlena out to be "a quack" in front of Stephanie. Marlena raised her eyebrows. "Hypnosis is a pseudo-science. It's barely a step up from a carnival act, in my opinion," Everett said. Marlena smiled. Everett noted that since he had signed the divorce papers, he was ready to move on with his life.

"Well, I'm glad about that for you. And uh, in spite of your disdain for hypnosis, I think you would still benefit from therapy. And if you don't want to continue seeing me, a quack, as you say, you might want to find a different therapist," Marlena said. Everett said he had no interest in therapy with anyone. "As I said, I'm ready to move on," Everett said. Everett walked out.

As Stephanie approached the bakery, she saw it was closed. Chanel ran into the square, and she apologized to Stephanie for her lateness. "I slept through my alarm this morning, and I was the only one on the schedule to open," Chanel explained. Johnny sauntered up behind Chanel. While Chanel ran inside the bakery, Stephanie explained to Johnny that she had wanted to pick up pastries for a prospective client. Stephanie said she had already had breakfast at a goodbye meal for Tripp before his flight.

"Flight? What are you talking about?" Johnny asked. Stephanie explained that Tripp and Wendy had decided to take an extended trip to Hong Kong to spend time with Wendy's parents. "I can't believe Wendy would have left without saying goodbye," Johnny said. Chanel returned and announced that whatever Stephanie wanted was on the house. "I only got here two minutes ago. I'm happy to pay for my pastries," Stephanie said.

While Stephanie went into the bakery, Chanel asked Johnny if he could help her set up a display table. Chanel noticed that Johnny was distracted, and she asked if he was okay. "I'm fine," Johnny said. Johnny asked Chanel if she wanted him to go apartment hunting without her. Chanel encouraged Johnny to go alone, since she was still tired. Johnny admitted he was embarrassed to admit to landlords that he didn't have a job.

"Maybe I should have given my dad's offer a little more thought," Johnny said. Chanel disagreed. "Pursue what actually is your dream," Chanel said. With a shake of his head, Johnny said the work was in Los Angeles and New York, and he would never ask Chanel to leave her mother and the bakery. "Your whole life is here. My whole life is here," Johnny said. Chanel asked Johnny if he was sure, and after a moment, he said yes.

Paulina walked over and hugged Chanel and Johnny. "I do have a favor to ask of my new son-in-law," Paulina said. Paulina told Johnny that she believed E.J. was pushing a story for the paper about her trip to Smith Island.

"I think your papa is out to get me. Anything you can do to help?" Paulina said. Johnny asked for details, and Paulina explained that after the fight, Chad had appeared in her office the next morning to ask questions about the trip. "It sounded almost exactly like what your father said to me last night," Paulina said. Johnny apologized. Paulina said she hated to put Johnny in the middle, but she asked if he could speak to Chad. "I will," Johnny promised. Paulina encouraged Johnny to tell Chad that she had saved Chanel and that she had kept her distance from everyone.

"I was trying to be as responsible as possible. You both know that, don't you?" Paulina added. As Chanel nodded yes, she started to groan and clutched her stomach. "You okay?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, I just suddenly feel queasy," Chanel admitted. Chanel gasped and ran into the bakery. When Chanel returned, she said she had called someone in to take her place at work.

"You were tired yesterday and this morning," Johnny noted. "There's stuff going around," Chanel said defensively. Johnny reminded Chanel that Kayla had asked them to follow up if they experienced any symptoms of radiation poisoning. Paulina gasped. Chanel assured Paulina she was fine. Johnny and Paulina insisted that Chanel go to the hospital.

Maggie arranged the roses in her living room. Julie walked in and announced that she was cleared to leave isolation. "No radiation in my system!" Julie said. Maggie rejoiced. "I feel so guilty that I didn't go to the cabin with [Doug]. I thought I would just be away for one night, and it turned out because of radiation to be days and days. And, you know, at this time of our lives, every day together is so precious," Julie said. Maggie promised that they had taken great care of Doug in Julie's absence. Julie said she was grateful.

Julie admitted that she had spent her time in isolation, thinking about the time capsule. "I just know [my grandparents] are having a good chuckle over my frustration," Julie joked. Maggie told Julie that she had news. "Konstantin and I are getting married," Maggie announced. Maggie explained that Konstantin had lost too much in his life and that his life in Salem had brought him some comfort. "And you know, his presence, it's a comfort to me," Maggie said. Maggie explained that Konstantin could only remain in the US if he became a citizen through marriage.

"You probably think I'm crazy," Maggie said. "I think it is an example of your enormous generosity," Julie said. Maggie thanked Julie for her understanding. "I hope you're going to protect yourself going into this marriage," Julie said. Maggie confirmed that Konstantin had willingly signed the prenup agreement.

"He knows if I predecease him that the entire Kiriakis fortune goes to Victor's children," Maggie said. Julie was relieved. "I support you in this decision completely," Julie said. Maggie thanked Julie for her friendship. As the two women hugged, a look of unease crossed Julie's face.

At the Black Patch offices, Konstantin showed the red card to John, and he changed into the Pawn. "Now listen closely to every word I say. Because I have an extremely important mission for you," Konstantin said. "What do you need me for?" the Pawn asked. Konstantin asked the Pawn to retrieve the prenup agreement from the Kiriakis safe.

There was a knock at the door. "Ask who it is," Konstantin whispered. "Who is it?" John yelled. Through the door, Marlena announced herself. "Why is the door locked?" Marlena asked. Konstantin flashed the red card at the Pawn, and he reverted back to John. Confused, John opened the door for Marlena.

"Why was the door locked?" Marlena asked. "I didn't know it was," John said. Marlena saw Konstantin, and she asked if she had interrupted something. John stammered, and Konstantin said that he had stopped by to invite John to his wedding. "Your wedding?" Marlena asked. Konstantin asked Marlena to feign surprise when Maggie invited her to the wedding.

"I can't imagine that she minds you telling us," Marlena said. Konstantin forced a smile, and he noted that he would be in touch. After Konstantin left, a suspicious Marlena yelled, "My God! What is Maggie thinking?" Marlena asked John what Konstantin had told him. John struggled to remember the conversation.

"I don't know. It's so strange. He said something about Maggie. I can't remember exactly," John whispered. After a moment, John admitted he could not remember the full conversation. "This isn't the first time this has happened!" John said. John told Marlena about the previous foggy conversation he had had with Konstantin.

"Doc, what the hell is going on with me, honey?" John lamented. Marlena suggested that John's guilt over the death of Catharina made him shut down when he was alone with Konstantin. "Your subconscious is trying to protect itself," Marlena said. "So, you think that's why I can't remember any of my conversation with him just now?" John asked.

After a moment, Marlena noted that there could be more to the story. "Something's not right here. I don't know what it is, but I'm glad you showed up when you did," John said. John admitted that he felt disoriented. "Let's get you home," Marlena said.

Stephanie walked into the office at the paper, and she saw Everett working at his desk. "Is Chad around? I have something to drop off for Thomas and Charlotte," Stephanie said. Everett confirmed that Chad was out conducting an interview, and he was working on a frustrating article about May Day.

Stephanie asked Everett if he had any regrets about having signed the divorce papers. Everett stressed that he did not care about the marriage, but he had been bothered by the forgery element of it. "But thanks to you, I got over that reluctance," Everett said. Stephanie said she was glad. Everett thanked Stephanie for having helped him put Robert Stein behind him.

Chad returned from the mayor's office, and Stephanie told him about the gifts she had dropped off. When Stephanie mentioned Chad's interview, he admitted he was not sure the story would pan out. Chad thanked Stephanie for the toys, and he asked when she could visit and play cards with Thomas. "This weekend?" Chad asked. Stephanie told Chad to let her know when.

After Chad left, Stephanie asked Everett to expand on what he had meant about putting his past behind him. "I think it's time to forget about Bobby Stein and move on with my life," Everett said. Stephanie looked unsure. "But Everett, you still don't really know what happened in your past. There are still so many unanswered questions," Stephanie said. Everett waved Stephanie off, and he said he had no interest in wasting more time.

"Don't you have to understand your past to be able to live fully now?" Stephanie asked. "I feel like that could just be a bunch of psychobabble," Everett said. Everett added that he was comfortable with not knowing the answers to the questions about his past. "You can't live your life in the past," Everett argued. Everett lied and said that Marlena had discharged him from therapy. "I thought you were making progress," Stephanie said. Everett noted that it was possible that he would never recover his memories.

"[Marlena] and I agreed that the best use of my time and hers would be to focus on the here and the now. Moving forward," Everett said. "I see," Stephanie whispered. Everett explained that after the accident, he had learned to accept that he would never recover his memories. With a shake of her head, Stephanie reminded Everett that he had freaked out after his hypnotherapy. Everett said that Marlena had told him that was a normal reaction.

"And actually, [Marlena] considered it a breakthrough of sorts," Everett lied. Everett said he trusted Marlena's judgment, and he was excited to make new memories. "Hopefully with you," Everett added.

When Konstantin returned home, Maggie was still talking to Julie on the couch. "Julie! What a pleasant surprise! Released from isolation, huh?" Konstantin asked. Julie nodded, and she congratulated Konstantin on his engagement. "When is this big day?" Julie asked. Maggie admitted that they had not decided.

After Julie went into the kitchen to get breakfast, Konstantin asked Maggie if Julie had been concerned about the engagement. "Actually, she was very supportive of my decision," Maggie admitted. Konstantin asked Maggie if she had told Julie about the prenup. "Because I want her to know that all I want is to be here in Salem, close to you, and nothing more," Konstantin said. Maggie confirmed that she had told Maggie about the prenup When Konstantin fretted about his visa, Maggie assured him that they would have everything settled before the deadline.

Chad returned home. "I meant to ask you. Did you find that thing you were looking for?" Chad asked Konstantin. "Yes, I did. Thank you very much," Konstantin said. Maggie noted that the item had been a missing playing card that Konstantin had misplaced. Konstantin explained that the card had reminded him of his daughter. With a nod, Chad told Konstantin he was glad the card had been found.

As Chad headed upstairs, he ran into Julie in the hallway, and he asked about the renovations. "Won't it be wonderful when we can go home again?" Julie said. "It's going to be amazing," Chad agreed. Chad changed the subject to Smith Island, and he asked Julie if she would be willing to answer questions. "Ask away," Julie said. Chad asked Julie how she felt about the mayor having exposed Julie to radiation.

"I understand completely her compulsion to find her missing daughter, and I'm still very upset that everybody had to go into days and days of isolation because of her rash behavior. She is the mayor of the town, I would think she would be protecting her people rather than putting their lives at risk," Julie said. "So, then, you feel she did put your lives at risk?" Chad asked. Julie said it was a fact, but she was thankful there had been no adverse effects.

In the Kiriakis living room, Konstantin was alone. Konstantin took out his red card to stare at it. "It was not meant to be, not today. But don't worry. I will get what I want next time," Konstantin said.

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