Grey’s Anatomy is a superhit medical drama series made by Shonda Rhimes. It first aired in 2005 on ABC. The show features a long list of cast members, as it has been running for 21 seasons. The show has shown many romantic relationships over the seasons. Through these relationships, the show highlights the personal lives of the professionals working in the hospital. Many iconic romantic relationships made the show more beloved by the audience.
Callie Torres, played by Sara Ramirez, was introduced in the 2nd season of Grey’s Anatomy. She started as a senior orthopedic resident, and over the seasons, she became an attending orthopedic surgeon. She was portrayed as a funny, confident, and passionate person in the show. She is one of the most beloved and complex characters of Grey’s Anatomy. Despite being a skilled doctor, her personal life was complicated. Over the seasons, Callie has been in many relationships.
Callie's Relationships in Grey’s Anatomy
Dr. Callie Torres has had many relationships over her time in Grey’s Anatomy. Her love life has seen many ups and downs in the show. Her relationships helped her character evolve over the seasons and helped her figure out her sexuality.
George O'Malley
Callie’s first relationship on the show was with George O'Malley. George was an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital and she fell in love with him. They had an on-and-off relationship and got married in Las Vegas. Their relationship ended when she found out that George cheated on her with Dr. Izzie Stevens. They got divorced and it marked the beginning of Callie’s complicated love life.
Erica Hahn
After her divorce, Callie went on a journey of self-discovery. After being friends for some time, she and Erica Hahn started dating. Erica was a cardiothoracic surgeon. Same-sex relationships were new for both of them and Callie realized that she was bisexual. They both had differences in opinions and Callie ended up cheating on her with Mark Sloan. Eventually, their relationship ended when Erica left the hospital.
Arizona Ribbons
Arizona Ribbons was Callie’s first serious same-sex relationship. Arizona was a pediatric surgeon. Over the seasons, they had lots of ups and downs in their relationship. Callie cheated on Arizona with Mark and got pregnant. Arizona agreed to raise the baby together. Their bond got stronger when Sofia was born. They got married and faced many problems like a plane crash where Arizona’s legs got amputated. It strained their relationship and eventually, they got divorced. They both wanted different things in life, and it was one of the emotional breakups of the show for the audience.
Penny Blake
Penny Blake was Callie’s last relationship on the show. After her divorce from Arizona, she started dating Penny, a surgical resident. Their relationship was going well when Penny won a research grant in New York. She asks Callie to move to New York with her and Callie accepts her offer. Arizona didn’t like this decision and sued her to get sole custody of Sofia. In a turn of events, Arizona won the case. After losing custody, Callie ended her relationship with Penny.
At the end of Season 14, despite the court’s decision Arizona decided to co-parent Sofia with Callie. She wanted her daughter to live with both her mothers. In Season 14, it is revealed that Arizona decided to move to New York. The show did not reveal who she ended up with. At the time of her exit from the show, Callie was not in a relationship with anyone and moved to New York for better opportunities and happiness. Since Arizona has also moved to New York to be closer to her, it opens doors for both of them to reconcile.
Who played Callie Torres in Grey’s Anatomy?
Sara Elena Ramírez Vargas played the role of Dr. Callie Torres in Grey’s Anatomy. Sara is an American actor born on August 31, 1975, in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. They graduated from Juilliard School with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. They made their acting debut with the Broadway musical The Capeman in 1998. They got a breakthrough with the 2005 Broadway musical Spamalot, for which they won a Tony Award.
They are best known for their role as Callie Torris in Grey’s Anatomy. They gained worldwide popularity for the show and received praise from the critics. They have won a SAG award along with their Grey’s Anatomy cast members in 2007. Apart from Grey’s Anatomy, they have been a part of many projects including You've Got Mail (1998), Spider-Man (2002), Sofia the First (2012-2018), Madam Secretary (2017-2019), And Just Like That (2021-2023), etc.
FAQs about Callie Torres
A. Sara Ramirez played the role of Callie Torres in Grey’s Anatomy.
A. Yes, Penny and Callie broke up on Grey’s Anatomy.
A. Callie left Grey’s Anatomy in Season 12.