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Summaries for the Week of January 28, 2019
Hope and Liam both unknowingly met Beth when they were introduced to "Phoebe". Leo's mother, Diana, arrived in Salem, and someone kidnapped Ciara. Lulu regained consciousness and the real Kevin experienced blindness. Summer returned to Genoa City and little Katie went missing.
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The week of January 28, 2019
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The Bold and the Beautiful

What happened the week of January 28, 2019

Hope and Liam both unknowingly met Beth when they were introduced to "Phoebe"

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Hope questioned Reese about the events surrounding Beth's death, but claiming to have patients waiting, Reese walked out without answering. Taylor paid Reese the balance owed on the adoption, and the guilt-ridden Florence gave the baby to Steffy. Haunted by Hope's pain, Reese paid off the loan shark. When he paid Florence her commission on the adoption, he offered to let her stay at his apartment for the remainder of the lease. Hope decided to meet Steffy's new baby, and Steffy introduced Hope to the child as the child's aunt.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on B&B.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our B&B Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

Days of our Lives

What happened the week of January 28, 2019

Leo's mother, Diana, arrived in Salem, and someone kidnapped Ciara


Leo's mother, Diana, visited. Diana refused to give Will incriminating information about her son. Haley confessed to J.J. that she was an illegal immigrant. Rex and Sarah reconciled, and Eric wondered if he had feelings for Sarah. Will told Jack about the serum to restore his memory, and Jennifer told Jack that the notes to create the serum were missing. Xander stole Rolf's notebook from Eve. Ben told Tripp about teaming up with Claire, and Tripp walked out on Claire. Ben confided to Marlena that he was in emotional turmoil without Ciara. Adrienne warned Leo to stop harassing Sonny for sex. Eli and Lani confessed their love for one another. Someone sent a bloody knife to Chloe in the mail. A mysterious figure kidnapped Ciara and held her hostage in a cabin. When Diana saw John, she called him Roman.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on DAYS.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our DAYS Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

General Hospital

What happened the week of January 28, 2019

Lulu regained consciousness and the real Kevin experienced blindness

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Sonny decided that it was time to send Mike to live at the long-term care facility. Laura was overjoyed when Lulu woke up. Ryan's vision was restored, but a second attempt to kill Lulu failed when he was nearly caught trying to smother her. Lulu was unable to name her attacker. Ryan planted evidence that had Jordan and Chase looking at Franco as a possible suspect in the recent spree of murders. Ryan refused to get medical help for his twin when Kevin lost his vision following a headache. Kevin claimed that he and Laura had signed a prenup. Elizabeth talked to Lucas and Brad about Aiden's bullies. Julian warned Brad about Willow. Daisy confessed to Sam. Sam decided that it would be best if she and Jason pretended to break up because Sam could use her relationship troubles to get closer to Shiloh. Alexis attended a Dawn of Day seminar with Kristina. Anna realized that her twin, Alex, might have had contact with Dr. Cabot. Liesl was shocked when she realized that Maxie had taken off her wedding ring. Olivia worried that Dante's disappearance indicated that something had gone terribly wrong.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on GH.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our GH Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

The Young and the Restless

What happened the week of January 28, 2019

Summer returned to Genoa City and little Katie went missing

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Nikki, Victoria, Phyllis, and Sharon told Nick the whole truth about J.T.'s death. Abby was appalled when Victor presented Arturo with a prenup, but Arturo readily signed it. Mia got drunk at Abby and Arturo's engagement party and insulted Abby. Abby reached out to make amends with Mia, who fantasized about chopping off Abby's hair. Phyllis counseled Mia to put her energy into her marriage and career. Concerned about Kerry's secretive behavior, Jack snooped in her purse and found a syringe. Kerry revealed that she was injecting herself with fertility hormones to have her eggs frozen. Jack and Kerry agreed to live in the present and continue seeing one another. Summer returned to town and tried to make Kyle jealous by kissing Fen. Lola was worried that Summer could give Kyle what she couldn't, but Kyle insisted that he wanted only Lola. Victor asked Victoria to run the company in his absence, but she was dismayed when he requested that Summer move back from Dubai to help. Everyone assumed Katie's new "friend" at the Newman ranch was imaginary. Katie went missing when Nikki fell asleep, and her family frantically searched for her. Victoria and Billy heard Katie singing from inside the walls. Ana was irritated when Fen was more concerned about stardom than putting work into his music career. Devon encouraged Ana to continue singing, but she was adamant about staying out of the spotlight. Kyle and Fen's rivalry intensified when they filled in as models at a Jabot photo shoot.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on Y&R.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our Y&R Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.



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